Our fearless leader Jamie has asked us this morning..What would you like to share? Well you could take that a couple of ways..do you need to share something with someone or of your self. Speaking or offering up something. Hmmmmmm.
Ok gonna wish big again..ya ready..here goes...
Last week I wished for that wonderful ranch in the woods..several folks commented or emailed me saying that when I got the retreat going they would want to come and add their talents or just come and enjoy it. Well..the funny thing..I never mentioned creating a retreat in that post..but...it is something I have wanted to do for many years. Some how that must have come across in the wish. Funny that!!
The summer I spent at Girl Scout Camp just verified what I thought - I could do it if I had a place to offer it up. A place where folks could come and find themselves or just sit and be. Art classes of all kinds, meditation, massage, yoga, hiking, riding, boating and more. Maybe just some places to just sit and be alone in the quiet of the woods. With one of those amazing communal dinning rooms. I want a place were women can find themselves..if even just for a week or a weekend. Where they can drop the masks of everyday life and just breathe and play. I want to share with other women the opportunity to discover the power in themselves. So that is my really big wish..I want a camp, a retreat for women! I want to share with other women the joy of finding your own bliss and power! What do you wish today?
Namaste, Sarah
As Sarah wishes, so I lovingly wish for her.
Oh Sarah, I am SO in and happen to let you share your retreat with me!
As Sarah generously wishes for herself (and others), so I wish for her too!
Oh Sarah I would so come and join you...it sounds divine! As you wish for yourself, I so lovingly wish for you also!
Sounds great! I'm in. :)
Great wish, drop the mask!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
PS: Send that 5-word-game over to me, I have to try that!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. This is one of my newfound dreams also, to have a place like minded souls can gather and create or just share their stories in a safe place.
I'll come to yours and you can come to mine ;-)
Oh that does sound wonderful. I would definitely go.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I SOOOOOOOOO wish for her also!
Love the table in this post and was surprised you didn't use this concept in your 5 words cuz it's sooooooooo how I see you - sharing a gathering table. I have a bit of the same vision also though mine is a bit less outdoorsy having Yosemite so near by to 'visit' but would love to have a B&B kind of place for creatives to rest and play. Getting a bit of a start this fall by doing a couple classes in-house on quilting. (details coming soon)
Woo Hoo I'm coming!
As Sarah wishes for herself I wish for all of us who would like to go!! May it be!
You were meant to do this! (:
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her.
I can so see you doing this and loving every minute of it. It sounds so peaceful and yet so motivational.
As Sarah wishes for herself,I wish for her also.
Since I am a woman but since I also teach women's studies I love that you are wishing for a place to empower women! PERFECT!!!
Also...it's my one-year BLOGOVERSARY today and I'm having a GIVEAWAY! Please come on over and enter! Everyone is welcome!
Oh YES, what a brilliant wish.
In the UK some years ago there was a rambling old hotel in Lincolnshire called the Hen House. Similar to your idea, it was a safe place for women to stay. The grounds weren't too big though. I haven't thought of that in years, but I can see now the faded paint on the wicker chairs in the conservatory looking out across a huge lawn.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I love the music! as Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. thanks for sharing Sarah :)
What a beautiful dream to have and to share!
This so could happen if you already have the place in your heart to let it! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also...
My bags are packed and I am ready to go:)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Hang on ... just need to get a suitcase down from the attic, raid the art-supply cabinet and pilfer hubby's laptop!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
I want a whistle so I can blow it! I'm so in!
Camp Sarah Art!
As my dear friend wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also!
Hey Sarah go down to your third post. I left something in there for you.
Oh that is a great wish ... I wish that for you.
Hi Sarah,
Sounds like a summer camp for adults! How fun. I loved my summers at camp. So peaceful in the NH woods. Lots of laughter. I wish for this retreat to take shape.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)
I feel like this is a selfish thing on my part because I really want to be a part of it all! :) It's sounds beyond amazing! Can't wait! :)
What an exciting and wonderful wish. We are all wishing alongside you!
If you build it, we will come! Here's wishing for you wish to come true!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
as Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
Just say the word and I am SO there, Sarah! I absolutely love your wish and hope and pray that it will come true for you...and for us! ;D
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also.
as Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
As Sarah wishes for herself I wish for her also and I wish for everyone to receive their wishes! :)
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