OMG...black hole cat seems to have also stolen my avatar from several people's following widget. It has come to my attention by a very sweet friend that I am not showing up as a follower on her blog and it would seem several others...that in fact I am still following. When I went in to check a few..it said I was already following..but my avatar was missing. Thus..I am wondering how many of you sweet bloggers think that I have stopped following you!! OMG WTH...just so you all know..I have not stopped following a single wonderful person on my very long list of folks I love!! So could you please do me a favor and let me know if you thought I had exited stage left.. and know I have not..Yikes I am totally freaked out here!!! Blogger said - no worry they are working on it..well worry..if people believe I have left them!! ARGGGGGGGGGG!! I have no idea how to fix it other than stop following and then follow again. So please let me know..it would be so appreciated. Maybe I can breathe again soon...geesh..stupid blogger......Hugs, Sarah

So long as we can come here to visit with you, we know you'll come and sit a Spell with us.
That capture of the FUTILITY cat is just WOW!!!! It made me laugh!!! Don't worry, Sarah, you're present among my followers and I'm so happy that you come visiting! The chesnuts you saw in my shot are edible ones. There are plenty of chestnut orchards in Japan as they use them for cooking! I'm not a fan...just prefer them one way only: Marrons glaces!
You are still visible on my second blog - and of course, I know you are there!
Aren't the LOLCats fantastic? Whenever I need a good laugh, that's where I go!
Hi Sarah: Got here today be seeing your topic on my blogroll. You were there as expected. And as others say, we know where to find you - you couldn't shake us off that easily!!!
Sarah - I will always come see you :). And I have no idea if you are following, or appear, or any of it, because I live in a little fluffy cloud and forget to check these things. Try not to worry - I'm sure they will fix it soon. xoxo Pam
Hi Sarah -- Yes, your avatar disappeared a while ago from my followers list, but you're still accounted for in the "official number count" i.e. I have 37 followers but only 36 pictures so the Mysterious Follower is You! I knew you were still along for the ride though because you'd leave a comment every now and then. I just figured the whole thing was that #@!!%* Blogger acting up again!
Thank you all...I'm freakin out here!!!!
Hi Sarah ~ Yup, missing from mine too but I come on over to yours to check out the latest :)
Yep Sarah is gone. No worries. Breathe Sarah. Remember when I lost all of my followed blogs? They are back now. Glitches happen here in blogger world. Not that this makes it any easier to not freak out about. You will come back when the glitch is worked itself out, I think. LOL
The cat picture you have up called "Futility" So cool!!!!!!!!
I just took a look and you are missing from my list, but no worries. You still show up on my blog love list on my sidebar. We all know you are here. xoxo Blogger has a lot of glitches right now it seems.
I hate when blogger has problems... it shakes up my whole day :)
I am pretty sure you disappeared from mine too
Oh, Sarah...I'm rolling here as this happened a couple of weeks ago to me. All the followers and I think me following them..disappeared! No photos being able to be posted etc. I finally just figured the blogging gods wanted em to take a break. It finally took over a week for everything to return to normal. Hang in there..it'll come back!
As long as you and your friends know the truth, then it doesn't matter what blogger thinks!
I love the kitty photos! I just realized, you're like the cheshire cat! You can disappear, but you're still here! What a talent!! lol
LOL Suzie..
You are missing from my blog, too sis.
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