Well, it is official all my little birds have flown off to school. I am ok...I think. Ok, so I'm not ok yet..but getting there. Nonni has entered the great big world of Kindergarten and she is loving it. I am not at all surprised..I knew she would. Jim and I well...not so much yet. I came home yesterday, the first full day of school and we just kinda looked at each other. I sat down to do some artwork and he joined me in the living room. It was so quite!!! The TV was on some History channel program and well...it was just not the same. We will get used to it and maybe even enjoy it..have coffee or something. Just not there yet.
But Nonni..she had fun, she headed off to meet her new teacher(choke not me) with her backpack full of supplies. She insisted on carrying herself.

She went looking for her locker.....Whoo hoo she found it. She shares with an afternoon class student. We have a nice small school. About maybe 200 students. Only two kindergarten classes am and pm. Her teacher, I am thrilled with!! Several of my preschoolers have had her and I know what an amazing teacher she is. Nonni is in good hands.

We got down to the serious work of Kindergarten...she's loving it!!! How wonderful is that!

We even managed to catch a couple of shots of big brother Fox!! He is with his best buddy Drew! Yup..they are juggling. His teacher this year is another one I admire! He is gentle but firm and I like that! Oh and he is also the juggling coach. You should see our school juggle and walk on giant balls!! Amazing and wicked fun. The self esteem..wonderful! So here is Fox getting ready for juggling..isn't he cute!

So...my schedule is all new and a bit funky..I am trying to get everything fit in. So please do not think I have disappeared...just trying to figure it all out this next week or so. Also trying to be too busy to miss them too much. So very glad Kindergarten is only a half a day. Hope you all are having a wonderful week! I am thinking of you!! Namaste, Sarah
Oh! I have missed the tingle behind my eyelids as I watch my own head to school and out of my complete control. And, while I can't relate first hand, I can sit with you while you feel it all.
I adore all these various pictures I see of back packs walking away on wee ones...I feel like there's such an emotional tug when each is presented for us to see.
Yes, I'm sure it is a change. And, yes, I know that you will find your way through it quite well. Because you are my dear one who does this so often and navigates it truly.
My son started kindergaten too. He loves it and is super excited. It's not easy to see him go off! I've still got a little one at home to keep my mind off missing the other two. :)
Glad her first day went so well. Our locals school has almost 200 kindergartners! Sounds like your kids have a great school.
Oh, Sarah, I know this feeling so very well. My youngest just started middle school, and so now I well and truly have no more little ones here. SOB! :) Kindergarten is tough on moms and dads, and so is watching them launch away from elementary school. Be brave! BTW, she is so darn cute!!!!! In a few weeks it will all feel as normal as pie. xoxox Pam
They grow up so fast. Relish every minute of it! Looks like she is in a wonderful school with lots of caring teachers! She has you to support her. She will do great!
Fox he is so cute, I dunno know. The girls might get him. LOL
Wishing you love while you learn to accept the transition.
Huge Hugs
Love the back to school pictures. Although I miss having my son at home, I love back to school time. Even when I was a child I loved it... it just seemed to be the start of so much.
I am wishing you and the kids the happiest of school years. It will be great... I'm sure of it! xoxo
Loved all the pictures. We all grow up, Mom! :D :D But, we can still play!
Sarah I remember when my "baby" started Kindergarten, I was so lost. I truly didn't know what to do. Within a few weeks I did manage to figure it all out. The following year I started homeschooling him.
I remember when PC started Kindergarten. She was so confident and excited while I was afraid and teary eyed all day. I still miss her when she's in school (9th grader). I get so excited when I know she's coming through the door. (:
Aww, hang in there, Sarah. I'm just glad you managed to get them to let you take pictures of them! So cute. Oh, I miss those days. It's quiet around here too, now, since Ryan left. Sniff.
Hang in there! Those milestones are coming for me and mine too soon!
I remember my fears and my unsettledness when my son went off to full-day kindergarten. Hugs to you!
Ah...peace and quiet...trust me...you'll come to love it!
great pictures... I have one starting high school this year (which is grade 10 here) - very hard to believe, I remember being in grade 10!! Kindergarten is so sweet, it is so great that she is loving going!
You can do it, Sarah!! Hang in there!
Love that first picture Sarah; heading off into the big wide world. What an adventure!
Sarah how you must feel, even I felt like crying when I saw her ernest little face.
That little girl looks so proud ... I'm sure her mom is too.
So,so so, cute. Sniff,sob.xx
awe, how sweet. She is adorable. It will get easier with time. I am so glad she enjoyed it. Sound like you have a great school there.
oooh YES!
I remeber this day. It is clearly replayed in my mind the day my son and daughter went to school for the first time and how I felt. Oh I think it is the parents who are the anxious ones, the kids they just love to go to school and meet new friends! HAHAHAH. Congratulations. This is a special event.
Sarah, I am right there with you. Don't worry we will adjust. Mine has full day kinder now, they don't offer 1/2 anymore and its just too much I think.
We will survive though, I think lol. Its a lonely place when you stop and think that they are all growing up and so fast. I will be sitting here in the next few years thinking where did the time go? The boys are gone to school, one daughter will start this next year and my other daughter the year after that and then I will be here in the quiet. I don't like quiet, I am way to used to the noise lol.
much love hon,
Oh my God Sarah, I have to tell you I took a gulp of air in when you said Jim was released. Thank God.
I didn't realize how anxiious I was for him to get out of there, now I feel like I can breath better.
I am so happy, that is so good and now you guys can have your life and live it to the best you can.
How is the not having kids and your art. I think you are totally flying right now. Things are hard in a life for sure, there is no question about that, but I see your life coming all together, and you know that I am psychic right.
Love you.
Renee xoxo
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