It has been a while since I offered up this award that is dear to my heart. Inspired by Renee..one of my biggest supporters and dearest friends..I thought it was time to add a few to the list.
The Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award is given to two amazing groups of bloggers;
1. To Bloggers who encourage and nurture others bloggers to explore and grow in their creative, spiritual or mental lives.
2. To Bloggers who are blooming and growing creatively, spiritually or mentally in their lives & sharing it on their blogs .
Please do not pass this one along....I like to give it out every now and again as a gift from me..Thanks!
So..... I thought it was time to offer up a couple more of my little award. You all amaze me every day here. I could give this to a 100 folks here. But..I will limit myself to a few folks that have really stood out of late. So as Renee inspires me, I hope I can inspire you a little. Thank you for all you do.
I have watched these folks consistently offer not only amazing support to me but many others across the blogs! And a few that have been growing like crazy!!! Yup I have been watching.
Barb Yes my sister Barb! She was a bit bemused by what a blog would offer her and a bit nervous - but boy look at her now!! She is Letting Fly with the blogging!!! Her deliciously written posts just keep bringing me back and her support - well it is amazing! Yeah - I love her!!!
Holdingmoments One of my very, very favorite wildlife photographers and an amazing supporter of my own baby photography work. But..not just my photography..but my blog in general! He is someone who I always look to for excellent posts and pics - but also a keep eye on life and a gentle word for all!! He bravely wades into our Quilting bees - I love that!! Yup I like him!!!
Bonnie Bonnie is not only an amazing supporter of me and others..but wowoza she is something in her own right!! I never fail to leave her blog without my head buzzing about something new or interesting I have been challenged to learn there! Plus - well..I really like her too!
Snap Snap is one of those folks that has been with me from the very beginning of my blogging here and has been a constant, amazing support and I think a good friend. I have watched her blog bloom as she has too! I guess I think of her as kind of a mentor - not sure she know this - LOL! Hope she does not mind too much!! Yes...I really like her too!!
Emmy Yup I like Emmy too!! I follow alot of women my own age and some follow me. I have a few young Moms - I love that! Emmy, well she is not only an amazing Mom..but an amazing woman!! She supports up all around her and offers such open comments and caring! I have watched her bloom on her blog and offer up real pieces of herself there. She is one of those young women you hope your daughters turn out to be!! I should be so blessed!! She is also someone I consider a friend!
Dede Dede is such an amazing woman - she really is. She is one of those truly genuine people..that real down to Earth woman that just is who she is and that is wonderful! She has been a huge supporter of mine and so many others. I love her work - go and see what she does!!! I hope I offer her something of value back!! She is amazing!!
So..here is a quack and a honk to all my swans - every one...thank you for being part of my world - I am blessed to know you! Namaste, Sarah
Sarah first I wanted to say that I am sorry that you have been without parents for 20 years. That is a long time, and look at how amazing you are. I know they would be very proud.
The award Sarah, you embody what this award is.
I love you and I love that we are friends.
Love Renee xoxo
Sarah: What a surprising honor! To be given such a special award, and in the company of so many outstanding bloggers leaves me a bit overwhelmed. Thank you so much.
I feel particularly honored that your beautiful drawings grace the award and that you developed it in honor of Renee - our goddess of bloggers. This really raises the bar, as your blog and Renees blog set a very high standard to live up to. I will do my best to merit the award and your thoughtfulness.
Thanks again, dear Sarah.(((Hugs)))
I left you two awards over on my blog!!! I think you already have one of them. LOL
Thank you so much. I am extremely touched. And I consider you a friend too :) I am very honored to receive this award.
Hi Sarah: I have written a post to 'show off' my award!! :) But I also made it a post to feature a terrific blog I know of - yours! I have copied a couple of the images on your blog here to show samples of your artwork - but did not want to publish the post until I get your permission for the copied pieces of artwork. I think you would like the post. BUT if you prefer not to have me copy your artwork I TOTALLY GET IT. Just let me know - I'm waiting to publish when you're ready.
Oh my goodness. Sarah. You've brought tears to my eyes. First, I know how much this award means to YOU and I am beyond honored that you would share it with me. I'm delighted to have the *title* mentor. There are not enough mentors in this world. They help us see who we are, prod a little and laugh and applaud when we succeed. Thanks, dear one. I will cherish this award.
Congrats to the winners of the second round of swans! I'm still so very honored to be counted among the gaggle...hugs to you and I'm off to visit with these swans!
Congratulations to all you swans. Sarah you are a generous soul. You should give yourself one also since you are always so supportive even to a newbie like me. NAmaste.
I'm stuck for words here lol
Thank you Sarah for the award, and those very kind words. After just getting in after a long hard day at work, (it's nearly 11 p.m. here), and seeing this, it's made the day better.
I always enjoy reading your blog, and seeing your outstanding artwork.
Thanks again. :)
Hmmm, and I said I was stuck for words lol
Sarah, thank you so much! This is truly an honor, this award coming from you. You have given so much of yourself, I have learned so much from you. Have been also reminded of things, that I needed to be reminded of. I am very proud to be your friend!
Thanks for the introduction to some great blogs. I'll go check them out!
I love that you tell these people not to pass this on. That feels like a gift! I have stopped doing rewards, it takes so much time and I feel shy because so many folks don't have time to pass them on. But you make it a treasure. I look forward to visiting your dear blog friends.
Oh, Sarah--I'm already crying. You know that because we were on the phone. Thank you so much for this special, lovely, drawn by you award. I'm so honored that you would give it to me and it's especially wonderful because it is just a gift and not a pass along. I will put it proudly on my blog and thank you. I love you. You are an inspiration to me. And thank you too, for the Over the Top award you left me, too. So fun. xoxo Barb
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