Our wonderful shepherdess Jamie asked us this morning...What luxury do you wish for?
This seems like a simple one..but don't let her fool you...this is a deep one at least for me. This one is all about where you are coming from..your perspective.
I have been given the wonderful gift in my life to have experienced financial abundance and deep poverty. Yes, I do believe it was a gift. It is hard to appreciate abundance unless you have experienced the lack of it. I am at present somewhere in the middle. This is a good place for now. So the answer I might have given 12 years ago when I was quite well off would certainly be different than the one I would have offered 5 years ago.
During those deeply poor years I started a practice that helped me keep moving forward and pushing myself to keep moving up financially. We still received catalogs in the mail...lots of them. During on of those weeks were the food bank had been visited and my soul was sagging, it was fun to escape into one. I made a habit of choosing one item from each page that I added to my imaginary cart. It was wishcasting in a way I guess. I had to believe that the day would come again that I could afford some of those things.
So when Jamie asked what luxury would we like..it was a good reminder of how very far we have come in the last five years!!! I do actually order from some of the catalogs now. We have not needed the food bank in several years. Although I struggle to pay bills some months.. the world for us is a more financially stable place. So with much joy today..I am going to wish bigger..in the past my luxury would have been basic living needs..today with those met..I will ask for a hearts desire..something bigger...ok really bigger. I wish for a sweet cabin in the woods on 20 acres with a barn, an art studio and mountain view. Oh and if it is not too much to ask.. a week at a yoga retreat would make my heart sing too!!!
What do you wish for today? Namaste, Sarah

Yay for dreaming full on!
As Sarah wishes for herself, I totally and completely wish for her also.
Can I come visit sometime? It sounds delightful :)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her also!
I'm so grateful financial stability has found you once again. (:
As Sarah wishes for herself, I lovingly wish for her also.
My wish for you is that your wishes come true! Your wish sounds wonderful. :) Becca
Sarah: May your heart sing.
Dear Sarah, Having watched how you've grown through all of this, I know how far you've come. I wish for you to have the things you desire, beyond the things you simply need. Because you deserve them.
And then I can come and visit you. And we can do yoga camp together.:p)
So, as Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. What a lovely place this will be, can I come visit? ;-)
As Sarah wishes for herself, I totally and completely wish for her also. Sounds lovely. xx
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.
With all my heart as Sarah wishes boldy, beautifully, deeper and MOST LARGELY for herself, so too do I wish for Sarah and ask for an invite to teach at her beautiful retreat home when the opportunity arises♥
~Shamsi the shameless :)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I can relate as we have had similar financial highs and lows- and I consider it a gift as well, although we are still on the low side- it has certainly made me redefine luxury.
A heartfelt post and a heartfelt wish that you dreams come true Sarah.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I blissfully wish for her also.
Can I meet you at that yoga place in that picture!? Sigh...
As Sarah wishes for herself, I lovingly wish for her also.
This made me cry. Stop that immediately. I so love you.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her, also.
Love. YOU.
Sarah, I love it! I see you in your cabin in the mountains on 20 acres and a barn, art studio, and a week at a yoga retreat...ah!
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Love, peace, and blessings!
As Sarah wishes for herself I wishfor her also! That cabin looks beautiful! Your word verification says rockin. Indeed!
Hi Sarah,
Of course one of my favorite and best karaoke songs came on as I started to read your wish, "Someone to watch over me?" Love that song!
Your cabin in the woods sounds fantastic. You could build it yourself even! I love what you say about needing poverty to understand abundance and gratitude. It helps put things in perspective and empathize with others.
I wish for you to have your cabin with a view and a week at a yoga retreat not far from your cabin!
Thanks so much for your uplifting post, Sarah. If you've visited my blog recently, you know some of the discouragement I and my family have faced during the recession.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I joyfully wish for her also.
I'd like to join you on your yoga retreat. :) May all your wishes come true.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)
With your lovely spacious cabin, I am sure you can host some yoga retreats! And I am pretty sure a lot of us would come! :)
And that shopping cart of yours was a visualization board. Lovely idea! :)
Oooo how dearly I would love to create a retreat for women to come and find some bliss. Hmmmmmm
Thanks for this. We're employed, but things are tight. It's easy, even in this recession, to feel alone. But we aren't alone, in good times or bad ... and not when we're lovingly casting wishes for one another.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Sarah I can so see you and your family in that home. It so fits you!
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Wish big, dream bigger!
I love your cabin picture.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
I'll have to think about Jamies challenge today before I post on my blog but girl your wish sounds pretty good. :)
I love the mountains! It's where I feel at peace. I live in the hills but I would really love to live where I had a view like the one you show!
Those are wonderful wishes!
May your wishes come true.
Sarah what you wish I wish for you also. Very interesting to hear more about you. Have a great weekend. take care.
Let me know if your week at a yoga retreat comes through and I'll join you. I guess I need to start wishing as well!
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