Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just a Few That Pleased My Eye.....

I have several children, including my own that walk to school with me everyday. Some days just a few like here..other days it's more like a herd..LOL. I do enjoy our walks!! We stopped to visit with this darling kit! Isn't he handsome? Look at those beautiful little hands!!

Here is one of our beautiful mums..I just love Chrysanthemums. I find the smell just delicious.

I hope you have a peaceful Sunday!! Namaste, Sarah


Snap said...

All lovely, but my fav ...the hands and the kit. :D :D Have a beautiful day, dear one.

Anonymous said...

I love them all Sarah. (:

Have a joy-filled day!

Wildflowerhouse said...

I love your photo's especially the children. They give you the feeling of "wonderment"! As they say ... through the eyes of a child. Sharon

Dede said...

The mums are so pretty. But the little hands are my favorite.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Sarah: Amazing shots. Love the white mum - and, of course, the hands reaching for the kitty - darling!

holdingmoments said...

Lovely shot of the hands and cat.

Cindy said...

Beautiful Sarah, loved the music today, I feel like getting up and dancing. Take care.

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhh! So sweet the children and the cat! White mums? Oh I am so envious. I have yellow, orange, rust, lavender but can not find a white one. I love the smell of them too!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Holly said...

The smell of mums??? ME TOO!!! Oh, I knew we were seperated at birth!

Becky said...

Lovely photos! Makes me embarassed to post my daily point-n-shoot snapshots!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The grey cat is clearly saying, "Yes, yes, adore me!" as his fangirls reach out for him!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Mr Kitty sure does have his hands full...or the kids would love to have theirs with him! I love to see the bud of the mum blossoming into this gorgeous flower. Hope your Sunday was super fine!

Buttercup said...

Photos -- and your blog -- are lovely.

anjah said...

I love the first photo! Great!
Hugs, Anjah

Karen D said...

Beautiful photos, the kitty seems to enjoy greeting his/her fans.

Ingrid said...

A beautiful cat and so cute with the kids, your two other photos are gorgeous !

GABRIELA said...

I just ADORE chrysanthemums, most of all the huge bouquets of the colourful ones in the garden! It's my birthday flower! Not yet their season here, near Yokohama, I just need some patience!

Suzie said...

Mums & kitties! Two of my favorite things! And you captured them both in delightful ways!

I always enjoy seeing what you see. Thanks SO much for sharing your view with us!