Karie Ann (one of my favorite artists)mentioned in the Quilting Bee this week, that I made Fall sound romantic. That comment has stuck with me all week, as she mentioned she is not a huge Fall fan. I started thinking about what draws people to a certain season. What draws me to Fall so strongly? Well the more I thought about it the more things came to me.

I am a Fall Baby..October 7th. Yes...that is me. I was born in Upstate New York where Autumn is glorious. In the 1960's Halloween was still celebrated with all the bells and dingers. My parents went all out every year. Not so much decorations...some. But every Halloween our door was the most visited one in the neighborhood. Why...my parents served powdered donut holes and fresh cider. Every year we lived there the cider flowed. What a joy it was to see all of the happy costumed faces enjoying the special treat at our house! It was magic to me!
We visited the pumpkin patch each year..I loved it there. I still do!!

Yup..from left to right that's me, my Mom. Anne and Barb - their gonna kill me - giggle!!!

This might explain my love of all things Witchy...look a good witch!!! Here is me and my Mom..isn't she 60's cool. Funny I don't remember that!

As I grew older, I ended up living in Scottsdale, AZ...for 14 years. Now the desert is a stunningly beautiful place. I found so much to love there. But..not the heat or the lack of seasons. Honestly, it made me depressed every September. Kind of like people get SADD up here in the winter. I hungered for the Fall. Missed it horribly. When we went up north in the Fall and I got a little taste..it was almost to painful for me to leave and return home.
So when we moved here to N.Idaho, I was in heaven. It can rain for days and I do not have a care. But..when the weather starts to change and the leaves start to have a little color...my heart lightens. As fireplaces are stoked and woodsmoke floats through the crisp air, I am at my very happiest. I have for years yearned to pass on to my own children and students the joy of this wonderful Season. I hope I have offered them just a taste of the joy I feel every Fall. I hope if you are not a Fall fan that maybe looking at the falling leaves and playing squirrels through my eyes may bring you just a little joy. Happy Autumn all!!! Namaste, Sarah

Artwork by one of my very favorites..Charles Wysocki
Every season has its own beauty, but autumn is my favourite too! Also because fall is when the new school year starts and when I was a kid, I loved going to school!
Oh Sarah!! When I scrolled down to that picture of you as a baby (which I seriously have not seen for many moons!) I went--oh! that baby. I know her! In fact, I remember you coming home from the hospital! LOL and the one's of the pumpkin patch? Where did you ever find them?? Oh, mom. She was 60's cool... Very Mad Men. Thanks for the trip down the Autumn memory lane. I love Fall, too. Never get enough of it here in LA. Hugs!! B
I hear ya.. we lived in Mesa for two years and now Southern California, and while I do love the weather here I so miss a real fall. Durango, CO has the best fall of anywhere I have ever been.
Sarah - a heart-warming post. You were (are) adorable. I'm with you - a Fall worshipper.
I do love autumn. I married my knight in shining armor in October in New Mexico ... in the mountains with the turning aspen trees ... then there was apple picking and apple cider. Now, living where there are no seasons, we take decorating for Halloween to the *nines*. The skeletons and all the pumpkins will start to climb the house starting Oct. 1!!!! Enjoyed all the photos and I bet your sisters do too!
You know what makes you feel good inside.
Fall has to be one of my favorite seasons as well. The smell is what drives me wild crazy! The air is so crisp..there may not be an apple in sight but I swear I can smell them! What a wonderful memory you have of fun fall days & the pumpkin patch picture..fabulous! You are right..your Mom looks absolutely 60's cool ;)
I remember growing up with that Wysocki photograph...it was a puzzle we used to put together every winter!
Thanks for taking me on a trip around your homes. It´s great to learn about other parts of the world. :)
I'm a November baby and fall is my favorite season as well. It also provides THE best angles of light for photos, you can't beat it.
Thanks for sharing the memories. I am a fall child also and I do love the season (although I adore spring too, when everything starts to grow...)Love the pictures of the pumpking patch!!
Beautiful post , it is good to know where your heart lies. Take care.
I am Fall child, just like you, Sarah, born in November....very far away from the place where I live now. Here, in Japan, in the nearness of Yokohama, the colours come out very late, in mid November and they go on through December!
I LOVE FALL! I feel at best in autumn (because I'm almost dead in summer, the heat does not agree with my body anymore!)I can hardly wait for the Japanese maple trees to get red and yellow!
Thanks for your visit, I was delighted with your attention!
I was born in the spring but fall is my very favorite of all the seasons. The smell of the dried leaves, wood smoke, apples. My favorite thing though is riding in the woods and listening to the leaves crunch under my horses feet. The swishing sound he makes when the leaves are really deep and he is walking through them! Awwww, it's almost here!!!! Breath deeply, sigh!
I'm a fall baby too, Sarah and it IS my absolute favorite time of year. It's when I feel most alive. Your photos are awesome and your Wysocki image makes me want to go paint. So I shall! Hugs, Lisa
Autumn is romantic, I agree. I love it too. I love change and I love the colors, and Halloween and pumpkins! Wish I was an October baby, I'm a March one, lots of fun changes then too!
I love every single thing about Fall! Great post, Sarah!
I have always thought of fall as the beginning of the year. It wasn't until years later, when I began exploring the ancient wisdom of the pagan ways that I found out how true that is.
I couldn't agree with you more...but you knew that...and it's not the sole reason I love you, but it's one of many!
It's just the best time of year! Even though I was a Springtime baby!
Oh my gosh. Where did you find that picture? I also loved those falls and picking McIntosh apples up north, getting pumpkins and always bringing back cider. It was really great when it had been out in the garage for awhile an dit had just a little bite to it. Yummm. Those were good days. I've always tried to have the same for my kids. Good times.
BTW, I've lost you as a follower on my site for some reason. Sarah, where are youuuu?
What a wonderful paean to fall, your personal fall! Thank you Sarah for a beautiful, entertaining post!
Autumn is my favorite too! I have fond memories of growing up in the 60's. It was a different world back then. It is nice to see pics of it. I love where we live because we have all the 4 seasons and fall is gorgeous and spring is too!! Winter I don't like too much!
Sarah, I can totally relate to this. I lived over 20 years in New York, and I loved everything about it. I loved the fall colors and the winters and the springs. I loved going apple picking and getting those doughnuts! I loved our wood burning stove.
And we also spent a lot of time in Scottsdale. And now, here we are, back in a land where the seasons hardly change. Enjoy the fall, dear Sarah! Wish I was there. :)
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