This Wednesday Jamie has asked us.... What is your money wish? I don't think that she has asked a question that does not challenge me yet.
We have had a very good couple of years money wise. No not rich - but more importantly no longer poor. My divorce ten years ago pretty much landed us in the poorhouse - way below the poverty line. We fought very hard to get to where we are - stable and growing, bills being paid every month with a bit of extra. This is huge - it has been a very long time since my life has been this way. None of this would have happened though without the blessings of some amazing people & their willingness to offer us grace. Bob closed a business and handed me his clientele on a platter - for free. Then Deb offered us the beautiful house (which I loooove)we now reside in for first months rent only, no deposit or extra cost and insisted - I was doing her a favor. I was able to open my preschool here! This all went together in the span of two months. We moved into our new home in April, Bob retired and closed his doors on the last day of May I opened mine on the first of June!!
Some could argue that we were rewarded all our hard work, or that we were in the right place at the right time or just dumb luck, well maybe. I choose to think that amazing blessings happen every day, sometimes huge ones!! Given by grace filled people with giving hearts. That working for Bob and meeting Deb, one of my preschool parents was no accident - it was what happens when you are blessed by grace.
So today I wish for us to continue to be stable and grow in the money area. But also.... be offered opportunities to return the favors that we have been so richly blessed with.
I love your wish Sarah!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her.
as sarah wishes for herself, so do i wish for her.
And you touched on the most important part Sarah. Paying it forward. xoxoxo
I am a firm believer that good things happen to good people. I also believe very strongly that there is no such thing as coincidence - the people we encounter in life are the people we were meant to meet, to learn from, to assist in their growth.
Bless you Sarah...I am so happy that you have had a good year. I know that you have many, many more ahead of you!
Great wish, Sarah! I have often wondered what I would wish for money wise and keep coming back to just leading a contented life. It doesn't always mean money, but the ability to enjoy the things that are truly important...family, friends and a fruitful life.
I have a well deserved blog award for you..check out Tuesday's post ;D
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Have a beautiful day!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also!
What a lovely story of hope! May the blessings you receive multiply. :)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Sarah, I loved your post.Amazing blessings DO happen everyday. As a family of 6 I am a testament to that.
may you continue to be blessed:)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
What a great wish!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her.
My recent experiences with things just "falling into place" are similar to your own. I love being able to observe how circumstances in our lives unfold and how things manifest for us. Funny you should blog about the money topic because I have been doing a money visualization this week. I will let you know how it turns out!
you know, reading your blog makes me feel as if I am not alone....thank you for that
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
What blessings! And what a wonderful world we create when we keep that flow going. I feel blessed just reading about it :)
Sarah, I wish I could live next door to someone with such a kind and loving heart such as yours. Your wish touched me. I hope it comes true.
Sometimes, when things are meant to be, the universe just lines things up to help you.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
As Sarah wishes for herself and her family, so I also wish for her and them.
Hah! I fed the fish ;)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Sarah, it is so encouraging to hear your story. Thoughtful living, hard work and lovely wishes do pay off. Beautiful souls lending their support certainly doesn't hurt either!
May you continue to be stable and grow financially. I know you will be blessed with the opportunity to support others as you were supported.
Many blessings!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Sometimes, when we silently cry out to he universe, it hears our cries.
Just came by to say hello and see what you were doing,
watched my dandelion garden grow today and visited with the grand baby's and children.by the way doctors say I am well now!
I add my heart to manifest your wish! I feel you so deserve this!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her.
Sarah and Renee up a tree k i s s i n g.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her.
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