Jamie’s @ http://starshyneproductions.blogspot.com/ question today is… What do you wish to change? As always – I have to think about her questions for a bit. They are thought provoking and generally serious when it comes down to it. What do you want to change, big picture, little picture??? I guess I’ll focus on the big one today…
I have taught preschool for 23 years or so. I have a college background in Early Childhood Education and have taught both in center preschools, camp settings, after school programs and in home. What would I change here…. How we value our children, on many levels – but for me this is the one I focus on – better Early Childhood Education. Better training , more VALUED teachers & better pay. The preschool teachers out there tend to spend more time with children than they do with their families. Clearly not all children – but a large majority . Who do we want caring for our children, offering up character training and learning opportunities? Do you want someone who is trained or received a degree and is committed to children and the childcare industry as a whole? Or… someone who is in between jobs has never had any training to work with children and may be a teacher for six months and then leave a classroom full of children to go through yet another change of personnel. It is traumatic for them!! Or perhaps the Mom who with great intentions, opens an in home day care in an area with no regulations, where nothing is expected of them in terms of inspections, training and safety? I am not saying that there are not teachers and care providers out there that are not amazing and have no college education but have experience and a heart for children – more power to them!!! That’s how most of us started! Me too! What I want to see is people with a heart for children being offered opportunities to grow in the industry! I want to see children being given loving, trained care & teachers being given the respect and pay they deserve.
I am incredibly blessed, I have an amazing group of parents who respect and pay me what I’m worth. I charge on the high end, but offer a full am in home preschool program. I am good at what I do & I love doing it. So more power to all of you preschool teachers , who love children and what you do!! Here is to changing the childcare industry to value children and teachers!!! This is what I wish change.
Sarah this was beautifully written, and thank you for giving a plug to good care for our children.
Love Renee xoxoxo
I appreciate what you do and caring about all of our children.I do not want to just let anyone take care of my child. Those that teach & take care of our children are the "parents away from home"
Ditto what Renee said! I have several family members who are educators - it is a HARD job, and the professionals who work in that field do not get the respect they deserve. Kudos to educators and the children who will lead us tomorrow!
Great post, Sarah!
wonderful blog :)
As Sarah wishes for herslf, I wish for her also.
Very well said. I have always thought the GOOD educators are very underpaid. After all, many children spend more time with them than the parents. Here's wishing for your change!
As a mother, I appreciate you wish immensely!
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herslf, so I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.
I can feel the power in your post and the conviction in your words!
Your eloquence is inspiring--thank you --
As Sarah wishes for herslf, I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself and others, so I wish for them also.
Teachers and caregivers do not often receive the pay, respect, support and appreciation they deserve. I join you in this wish.
I found out a long time ago that I wasn't cut out for preschool or daycare. I was honest with myself and the people I was watching their kids for. I'm not cut out for it. I am taking an Early Childhood class this semester and I am doing my first practicum semester in a first grade class. It has actually given me a new prospective on teaching young children, but I still would do a daycare for babies.
Personally, I think people should have a college education and a couple of psychology classes under their belt before they even step into a preschool classroom.
LOL that should shay NOT do a daycare for babies!
In Arizona, they are considering cutting out funding for parents who need welfare dollars to help pay for child care so they can go to work. I wish for them that that doesn't happen and they continue to be able to place the care of their children in the hands of someone like you who treats them like their own.
As Sarah wishes for herslf, I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I think teachers at every level should get paid on a sliding scale...based off of the reviews of the kids and parents they taught the year before!
Teachers like you would make a million bucks a year, and the horrible teachers would quite when they couldn't make a living
As Sarah wishes for the childcare industry, so I wish for it also!
I've worked in childcare, but here in Australia you can't work more than 6 months without either a specific childcare/education degree or plans towards one. I was doing a Creative Industries deg at the time and had no money nor time to do another one simultaneously. Shame; the job was so much fuN!
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