This is a new one for me. “The Prémio Dardos is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing”.
I was so touched when Audrey @ http://stage3whome.blogspot.com/ gave this to me. I adore Audrey's writing, her courage and the amazing love that just glows from her. She truly is an amazing person.
I was surprised to receive this and well honestly kinda jumped up and down and did a little happy dance. Silly I know - but it was a big deal to me. This is why.... I have written for years and love doing it - but I am the teacher/artist/crafter of the family. My sister Barb it the writer. Funny how we stick ourselves in slots. Barb is a wonderful writer and has many published romance novels.( I will be pimping her new one here pretty quick) She teaches writing at UCLA and has a vampire screenplay in preproduction. My sister Anne has a wonderful self help book out there too - Aging Lite. Some of you may have been to her blog - I pimped it here. So... uhmmm - I'm not intimidated or anything.....
So when I decided to stretch my comfort zone a bit and write here - I was a bit surprised by the response and touched by it!! Folks seemed to like what I wrote. So Audrey you have given me courage to write a bit more. Let's hope we have not created a monster! Hugs, Sarah
So I will pass this on to (there are soooo many more but I will control myself)...
Gypsy @ http://gypsy-warrior.blogspot.com/ for her grace and amazing spirit that shows in her writing every day.
Jane @ http://janeaugenstein.blogspot.com/ as her writing makes me smile on a daily basis. Her pictures are wonderful and the text she adds to them makes them come alive.
Heather @ http://mrsheatherlynn.blogspot.com/ for her sweet soul shines through her writing.
Lisa @ http://raihndrops.blogspot.com/ for her strength, honesty and joy of living - I devour each thing she writes - she seldom misses touching some part of my soul.
Ha ha ha...you are "PIMPING?" LOVE it! Very cool!
And you are welcome! I love what you write, and you do need to write more! Don't put yourself into a slot - we all need you and the wonderful things that your writing teaches us.
For your kind words..thank you! I am humbled.
Many, many hugs,
Congrats Sarah, what a cool award!
BTW, I'm digging Gerard Butler singing Phantom on your playlist. *sigh* I'd like to make the 'music of the night' with him... (lol, did I just say that?) *blush*
Oooo, you have Man From Snowy River on there too, love that movie! :-)
Must get back to work, lol.
Kudos to you! We all seem to put ourselves in categories and don't step out of our realm once they are set. Glad you did!
Woot woot Sarah, you go.
Wow Sarah congratulations to you on your award and thank you for mine! I don't claim to be a writer I just have fun with my pictures and try to tell a humorous story about them. I have some good subjects, my beautiful Gilly and the spotted stinker Pokey!
Bless your heart.. :-) Thanks so much!
Awww My soul shines through? I never thought of it that way! Thank you so much!
Oh and sorry for all the typos on the other comments I've had one too many zinfandels tonight!
yes, I'm going to leave 3 comments in a row- your going to get annoyed with me and kick me off your blog...but I'm catching up, I discovered that I can't read your blog when Nathan's around!
He loves the fish on your sidebar, and continually comes up to tell me "fwish" and then proceeds to count them as they dart on and of the screen.
thought you might get a kick out of that.
thanks for your comments lately- somedays getting these little keep going comments is all that keeping me from going insane!
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