Many of you know my sister Anne - a blogger here!! Well.... I have another sister to pimp - lol. My sister Barb. (:I'm secretly creating a harem:)
Barb has many published novels, a screenplay in production, she teaches at UCLA and has just finished her Masters Degree. You can see why I'm so proud of her!!! Beyond her writing accomplishments, she is a wonderful Mom and soon to be Grandma. Like Anne, a wonderful sister. Always listening to me and offering well thought out advice.
So today I am pimping her new book. Here is her latest romance available for pre-order now and on the shelves in about two weeks. BTW Carrie Hudson is her pen name. Congratulations hon - I'm so proud of you!!!! So here is a sneaky peek... drum roll....
ONCE A GAMBLER by Carrie Hudson - Harlequin Blaze, April 2009
Question: Is it always fundamental to know one's destination? Or, can not knowing be the path to truly knowing?
(A little known Confucius-ism)
Ellie Winslowʼs sister, Reese, vanished a year ago from the attic of their late grandmotherʼs house in Deadwood, South Dakota. After searching for her in vain, Ellie accidentally stumbles upon the secret to her disappearance when she Time-Travels back to the old West of the 1870's. She lands smack dab in the middle of river boat gambler Jake Gannonʼs world of trouble. Heʼs on the run from men who want him dead and he wants nothing to do with Ellieʼs cockamamie story about being from the future. But dismissing this charming beauty won't be as easy as he thinks. Circumstances and Ellieʼs deep desire to find her sister here in the past conspire to heat things up between these two wayward souls. Because Jake's about to show her just how wild the West can be!
That is terrific! I hope she becomes really successful!
That book sounds intriguing! When I was in college and taking a creative writing course, a professor told me that writing Halequins could be a lucrative job. I always saw myself doing that! I've written mini romance novels since I was a teen.
I hope your sister's book is a success!
You, my friend, are the biggest pimp I know!!! Good job!
Your sisters book looks great! Congratalations!
Big hugs,
Boy you really ARE a pimpdaddy aren't ya! lol How exciting about her book, I need something new now that I finished my beloved Twilight series! hee hee
Your mother and father would be very proud to have 3 such wonderful and talented daughters.
Love Renee
Just looking at your spooky halloween ride at etsy. Sarah that is fantastic.
Congrats to your sister. How amazing to be published. I love the pen name Carrie Hudson.
Wow how wonderful to have a sister that is so succesful. I wish her and you more and more success.
Wow, talk about a talented family! WooooHooooo! Congrats on the awards. Now I have to visit everyone you *tagged*. Sometimes the universe has to hit you over the head with a 2x4 for you to pay attention. It's ok. You got the message!
Hugs to you....
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