I wanted to update you on our latest project here at home. My kid are working on saving money to adopt a kitten at the local shelter. I am adding my help by offering a treat with each purchase from my Etsy Shop. An original ACEO created just you with your purchase..all proceeds are going into the Kitten kitty!! I am thrilled to say..that we are half way there!! $70.00 in the kitty!!! WHOOT! Click HERE to read more:)

My other BIG news...I am officially a VANDAL!!! I am a student this fall at the University of Idaho...I am gonna finish my BA!!!! I am doing silly happy dances...I am so thrilled!! I might even go on and get my Masters. But the BA first...Child Development and Family Services!! OK..I am a little nervous too..but really stoked:)
Hope you are all having a great Tuesday!
Hugs, Sarah
YEAH Sarah!!!! I am so, so happy for you! You see, dreams do come true! Love it!
Great news, on both counts!
Congratulations, Sarah! I'm SO happy that you are forging ahead to make this dream a reality! This is going to be a good journey for you, for so many different reasons. I'm doing a Happy Dance right along with you!
HUGE Hugs!
That post deserves a double YeeHaw, YeeHaw!!!!!
Go you! Go Valdals! :)
Sarah, I am so proud for you!
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