We have winnnnners for my 100 mile giveaway!! Because I walked 120 miles now! Because it is the first day of my kiddos summer vacation. Cause I love you guys! Cause...well it is fun to do! Would you like to know who our winners are?????????????????????????
The winner of my $25.00 gift certificate to my Art and Photo Etsy shop..is........................... Trisha!!!! Trisha you have 48 hours to email me at cottagegardenstudio@gmail.com so I can get you instructions about your treat!! Congratulations!!
Our winner of the custom created ACEO is....................Sherry!! Congrats!! Email me and tell me what you would like me to create for you hon!!! In color of course:)
Thank you all for participating!! I am thinking I might just do another really soon..stay tuned!
Hugs all, Sarah
Congrats to the winners. As a proud owner of your artwork, I KNOW these lucky ladies will be thrilled with your creativity.
High Five and Happy Summer Vacation, Sarah.
xoxox jj
Thank you Sarah! I'm so excited. I can add it to my collection. :)
hello Sarah, I am so sorry i missed this, but it sounds if you are doing amazingly well! Fantastic hiking lady! Really Brilliant! Be proud Sarah, be very proud!!!!! Happy Summer Solstice!!!!!xxxxxx
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