So this is what my living room looks like and rocks and more beautiful rocks. There was a time when going to the rock show meant something very different..then I met Jim. Despite seeing Matchbox 20 in a little venue before they were huge...this is what rock means around this house...mineral specimens.
So this weekend all of these sweet little treats are traveling in their little flats to a local Rock and Mineral show. Sigh...there are several I want to keep as mine..but is business..I guess..if I have ta...I will deal.
We will even be offering up a few of my macro photography shots of them...

Then...I am off to Hanna's CD release party this evening..after the potluck for the rock show folks..and then a birthday party...maybe...pant, pant, pant....
So off to the rock show set up to follow of everything!! Have a wonderful Friday all!! Hugs, Sarah
My husband says he could drop me off in a gravel pit and I'd be happy for hours! I love em! He's had to load a few very heavy ones in the truck for me. Ha!
Good luck to Hanna on her CD release party tonight!
You are a family of amazing rock stars!!! Have a fab weekend.
I LOVE rocks. I would have loved to have been a geologist. :) Have fun, you busy person! Thank you for the blog award - I will have fun answering those questions. :) xox! Pam
I really like the photos in the new header. Beautiful.
Sounds like a busy weekend -- have fun!
A rock show-- I've never been to one of those before. It sounds interesting!
I'm cheering Hanna on wishing her great success. I didn't miss the link to hear her music did I???
Happy weekend,
I love the way you've decorated the livingroom, lol. Actually, I love rock and mineral shows!! We don't get them around here very often but they are truly beautiful!! Marcasite is still one of my favs!! Have fun at the pot luck, Hanna's CD Party and the Birthday Party, your gonna sleep like a baby tonight, lol. I'm tired just thinking about it all.
Sounds like your off to a great start for your weekend, enjoy!!
HEY HAVE fu, you must be excited about Hannahs cd, love the new header. Have a great weekend. hugs
Have a great weekend hun, and I hope the CD party is great, best of luck to Hannah :)
I've enjoyed catching up with your posts this week and had a giggle at a couple of your award answers :)
OMG I would never be able to depart from them...they are beautiful.
Rock On! Hope it all went very well, I have enough of my own rocks and minerals, and lord knows I have enough amethysts pieces, that broke off a huge geode, be well,
ROCKS! I am panting -rocks to me are like jewlery to other women *laughing* - when friends/family go somewhere and ask me what I want - I say "find me a cool rock" -- ROCKS- I'm a rockaholic....drooling here....
What a gorgeous collection you have there!
You must be so proud of Hanna!
WOWSER that is alot of rocks! They are gorgeous!
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