I know...shameless self promotion...but I am really excited to tell you all about this new e-course. The amazing group of wonderful women taking "Balance for the Creative Soul"..are finishing up our first course..I have so loved it! They have blessed me!! Amazing!!!
I am offereing a new course...one near and dear to my heart... "Let FLY the E Course". I have been working on this for a long time..living it now for many years and would like to share it with all of you who might want to join us!! Here is what it is all about..
"Sometimes life gets in the way of our living a full life. Our story defines us instead of us defining our story. This course will offer you ways to step out of your story and back into your life. To the life you want to be living!
Let Fly is designed to help you find the magic in your story and let you step away from what is keeping you stuck. Fear, pain and trauma often shut us down and make it hard to step out of the story and into what we really want for ourselves. Our perspective and experience often keeps us from living to our full potential, finding our bliss and taking advantage of our gifts.
Please join me for this eight week course and we will take a journey together as we use writing, art and photography to help you find you’re a way back to your life. As we learn to LET FLY with beautiful you!!!"
I would love to have you join this already wonderful group of women as we continue this journey to find our True North paths!
OK can ya see me happy dancing??? Whoot!!!
Namaste, Sarah
If you are interested in registration for the late summer session of "Balance for the Creative Soul" please click here.
Sarah I am so happy for you that things are going so well, I am going to take one of your courses after summer as it seems so busy for me. I can hardly stay caught up with weeding and daily chores...Take care my friend, hugs.
So glad to hear how happy you are with the first course. I hope many more sign on and learn for your generous and creative heart.
xo jj
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