Kristin Mills made this amazing quilt..sadly it was stolen..so if you have seen it..follow the link!
Good morning all!! I am exhausted from all the Halloween parties..can barely lift a finger...LOL. You can visit my party on the previous post..it's still going on two days later!!! Whoo hoo. So set your broomsticks aside and have a seat..I'm kickin' these witchy shoes off, my feet are killing me. I need coffee like crazy ..beware it's strong today!! Kona of course and tea of any kind and some delicious juices. There are cold cuts and delicious cheeses on artisan breads..yum! Condiments we have them!And enough Halloween candy to make you ill..please don't be ill!! Oh the music..yes is spooky..but the fire is warm in here so please..pull up a chair and join me to do the edging on this haunting quilt!!
I was up in the middle of the night contemplating my Bee and what I wanted to say today...often I feel a need too talk about some subject that has presented itself to me during the week..demanding I offer it up to you all. This is what came to me this week..a need to revisit the whole point of the the Quilting Bee..as so many of you were not here for the first one..I was thrilled to see how many of you were!! I was deeply touched really!! So I hope those of you who have read this before don't mind that I offer it up one more time to those who are new. Here is the very first Quilting Bee.....
"I read an article recently warning of the dangers of blogging. I guess I would understand… if I were posting on the company blog about the jerk boss. Well uhmmm yeah – duh. But, what I have found here… is an amazing community of mainly women here who reveal themselves as human. Which got me thinking about how we reveal ourselves here and what it means to others.
I cannot say that I have made all wonderful choices (a few pretty good ones) in my life or that it has been an easy ride. I can say that all those choices good, bad or indifferent have led to a much deeper understanding of “life is painful” & the blessings in it & what to do with that. It is written in these blogs everyday. I read posts by women reaching out to each other, helping each other through shared experiences. Commiserating, advising and supporting up! I have been deeply touched by some of you through some of my current struggles and blessed to be allowed to share in yours.
What a gift in a society that has fragmented and pulled us apart as women. It is very hard to connect today we are all VERY busy. I remember my Mother in the 60’s having bridge clubs and garden clubs. She was a quilter later in life and I remember how very much she enjoyed those unrushed times with other women.. laughing over cards or stitching and chatting. Being in the company of other women. So much of that has been lost these days. Most of us are working outside the home– a lot!!! Those of us who are at home are working just as hard. Our society has changed dramatically in the last 30 years.
So I think what I have found here is an amazing thing – a quilting bee of women! I get to share and revel in your artwork, your words and thoughts, your struggles and triumphs, your laughter, your tears, your joy and your pain. Do you all have any idea what a blessing it is for me to be “in the company of women”? Do you all know what amazing creatures you are?? What gifts you offer everyday when you choose to reveal yourself here!! For me you have become the gift of a Quilting Bee of Women. Thank you. Please pull up a chair!!"
The Bee has become so much more than the first, I am soo thrilled!!! We have even enticed a few men to join in..bless their hearts! I love them for that!! I am so touched and amazed that you all come see me every week..that something I say has value or reaches you somehow!! So..thank you to all of you Quilters..you all make my week every Monday by stopping by!! There is a button to steal if you would like..with the little quilting bee. Please add a link to me if you would like!! As always..please tell me what you think! You bless me by coming! Namaste, Sarah
Sarah, I always love to visit you and today is no exception. But today, your topic is close to my heart. I started blogging in January and I was fairly sceptical about the whole business at first. I don't have anyone to share my creative endeavours with here (but my husband, of course) and I had a tiny hope of maybe, maybe finding someone to connect with on this level. What I found has been overwhelming! I would never have believed how much inspiration, support, friendship and generosity I would receive! Something I am thankful for every day. For each and every one of you!
You are so right. I have read some articles about how especially as mom's we often feel like we are losing those connections/don't have time for them, and so we blog. It has helped us feel like we are not the only ones on those bad crazy days and just given us someone to vent to/connect with.
Thanks for always sharing and being true to yourself.
Sarah, what a wonderful post. I did miss it the first time. I remember Mom's struggle to stay in touch with other women, her need to do so. It gets so much harder today in the world of working women who just don't seem to have time to play. So glad you got me involved in this blog thing, that we have gotten to know each other better after living so far apart for so long. Congrats on a wonderful blog. Hugs xox B
Sarah, what a wonderful fellowsip of support you offer. That one can come over once a week, sew a little, pin a little, talk or listen and just feel the silent spirit of support...
Thanks for yur visit and please don't be a stranger.
I love our community! I find such peace and encouragement each day. You write from your heart Sarah and that makes us love you even more. :)
Once again your beautiful words ring true. There was a time I wasn't sure about blogging. What I have found here is a support system I need in my life. I have laughed, cried and been inspired by people like you! I am at home with young children and am often alone. When I come here I don't feel that way. It would be great one day to have a getaway who knows how much fun we could get into. Until then I'll keep enjoying
every moment of these Quiliting Bee's. :) Becca
The Quilting Bee is a wonderful community get-together! And what a stunning quilt you chose today! How sad that it was stolen, but it sounds like it was the Post Office's fault for just leaving it on the doorstep instead of ensuring secure delivery. I hate it when they do that. Usually it's insufficiently trained temporary workers who just dump stuff like that.
You are so right about blogging. We might not have what our mama's had, but I think we have something better. No matter what time of the day or night, we are never alone. We don't have to be something that we aren't or a special time and day to meet. I have laughed, cried and received so much encouragement from my on line friends, yes I think it is far better than what our mama's had. Thank you Sarah for sharing so much of yourself with us and at times really making us think. And of course there is that reality check that you give so lovingly when needed.
Sarah you write your quilting bees so well.
Every single one of them makes us think.
Love Renee xoxo
Golly, I guess I've been around since the beginning! I had to chuckle ... maybe we partied too much (how can you party too much???!!!!), but I didn't *mull* this morning! Just couldn't think of a thing to say! Thank you, Sarah, for being YOU!
Always love these quilting bees. You're so right about being so busy that we don't take the time to sit down and chat a while. The blogging world allows us to do that when and where we want not to mention with whom. So glad I come...always inspired here!
PS...I wish the cookies and cakes weren't cyber though!
Beautiful! I enjoyed reading it. BTW, why are you covering your beautiful face with that camera?
I know the dangers of blogging. The reason why I am now surrounded with wonderful , loving and supportive women is because I learned a very painful lesson. Some bloggers have hidden agenda.
I always love visiting your blog and don't get a chance as often as I like lately. I'm going to have to rectify that very soon!
what a wonderful post. i can completely relate to your blogging experience (i started mine in july). by the way, is that REALLY a quilt at the top of your post? it IS amazingly beautiful...
Sarah I always love reading your stories and I am going to add your little bee to my blog. This is my first time in your quilting bee. I didnt really know what a blog was until a few months ago. I am still a little shy about writing about my life. But like so many others this is a way to share. And a window of the outside world for me. Since I had to stop working ten years ago my life isn't as full as it use to be. I look forward in reading everyone stories. Maybe one of these days I
will be brave and write what is going on in my life. But until then I will enjoy everyone's stories.
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