Today our darling Jamie asked us..."What do you wish for less of?" Oh boy...here is a hot one!! I knew right away what I would wish for today...less freaking drama!!!!!!
The last six months or so have been sooooooo full of drama. Seems like of late I am a drama magnet..not the fun, lets watch great movies and have fun..act silly and laugh kinda drama. The OMG how much of a pain in the butt can they be..whiney..bitchy (sorry), miserable kind of drama. Life does not have to be this difficult.
I seriously have about 5 folks on my list who are going to get a great big dose of..."Put your big girl panties and DEAL WITH IT!!!!" There is nothing that gets me bent faster than folks creating drama for the pure joy of doing it. Seriously makes steam come out of my ears! Then..when ya call em on the carpet..they have some stupid excuse for why they did..or it is someone else's fault or what the heck ever. Step up take responsibility for what you say and what you do and grow up.
Ok I feel better..I guess I needed to vent a bit! So today...I wish for less..a lot less drama from certain adults in my life!! Thank you very much:)
What do you wish for today?
Hugs all, Sarah
I think we are all on the same merry-go-round today... or always :)LOL. But I am glad to be here to send some love to your wish. As Sarah wishes for less dramatizations ;) in her life, so too do I wish for Sarah a life free of ... well, the less-than-nice stuff♥ Big Hugs and Winged Energy to you my Love!!!!
Your people must be hanging out with my people. So tired of the drama-mamas.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
WOW! Sarah! That was a VERY good rant! I loved it! And it was so not expected - I did not see that one coming :) But I like it.
I hope that those people DO indeed put on their big girl panties, and get over the drama.
Take care my sweet friend.
LOL, LOL~ I know all about drama! :)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
you and me both, sister...right there with ya. ;) as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also.
I love the big girl panty comment - it works on so many levels.
Well done, Sarah!!!!!! YeeHaw!!!!! Rant away.....
If I am brave enough, I am going to put on my big girl panties on 2nite and scream that line at the top of my lungs. Another situation has popped up this afternoon & I just want to crawl under the covers. So tired of it. Big Hugs to you sweetie!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I do wish also.
Testify, sister! In my case, it's drama-papas (though not my literal papa) who are driving me 'round the bend, so I'm right there with you! Do they need Big Boy Boxers, or Big Boy Briefs?)
Oh, who knows? I do know this: As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
love love this~!
Sarah sweetie, can I steal a copy of the Big Girl Panties pic? It is a favorite saying of my good friend Rosie, and I would LOVE to post it on my blog for her!
Thanks Sarah!
LOVE it!!! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!
I started to literally cut out those drama people in my life. It was hard at first because I felt selfish for not wanting to be friends with people. But I started asking myself, who are these people? Are they really my friends if they bring their negativity to me? They are miserable, they love the attention and I just hate it. It makes me feel so nasty and icky, like I have sludge inside or something.
So bit by bit I started to break my connections with those people. Some haven't really understood what happened and others have been really upset. But I feel way better. I feel like I'm contributing more to my real friends and to my co-workers and my family. To me life is so much nicer and so much better!
I so understand where you're coming from Sister! Check out my profile under my picture on my blog. What's that other saying? "Save the drama for your Mama" I hope your tomorrow is better.
Hugs XX
Moore Whimsies
I really had to laugh at your wish. I totally understand! And that phrase is repeated often around her ... Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you.
Awesome post and great wish! And I love that picture so much!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
Agreat post Sarah, I agree no more freaking drama...what you wish I wish for you also. hugs.
I love a drama-free life, so I really appreciated your little rant. Thanks!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also!
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Rant on Sarah! Used to have a few "adults" that would bring their drama to our home. After a few months of this I told them to leave the drama at the door, it wasn't welcome here.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also!
Oh my, I agree with you but my first thought was I hope I'm not one of the 5 folks!
Also I can agree with Linnea, its Drama Guys I'm dealing with! It is my opinion that men whine twice as much as women do.
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