Pattern by Liz Schwartz & Stephen Seifert
Good Morning all!!! We had snow yesterday so we are all cozied up in the cabin again and the fire is roaring!! Oh I so love to get that fireplace going every year..some how it just warms my soul! I have set out another of our family favorites for the holiday season...french toast. I do adore french toast..better than pancakes I think. There are toppings, berries and whip cream and several types of syrup..maple (the real kind) and huckleberry a local favorite..kind like blueberry. I have also set out several types of cereal if you would prefer; corn flakes, grape nuts, honey nut Cheerios, granola, raisin bran, if it's not out I am sure I have it..we do adore cereal at our house. There is also yogurt and feel free to raid the berries. Kona coffee of course and several hot teas if you would rather. I have racked a simple quilt today. Thank you for joining me again today..I do love having you come. Hang up your coat and mittens and pull up a seat!!
I have been reading alot around the blogs this last week or two about what people do and how it is viewed. For instance..writers of mystery or romance be told they are not writing literature, or folks that do not create "fine art" are not real artists. Uhmmm seriously??!! I guess my first reaction to that is..if the books are selling and the art is too..they are about as real as they come. Don't ya love the critics..the ones who are snooty and full of themselves. I got to thinking about my own artwork and photography and then...my teaching and how I view myself. It kinda brought me up short..it did.
What makes us valid in the world we work in? Who gets to choose whether we are professional or real for that matter. It's funny..I don't struggle with this with my artwork so much. I have had years of art training..I am not self taught...so to speak..I am confident in what I create. If my work sells and others find it touches them in some way..if only to make them smile..I have hit my mark and am happy with that. I do get the occasional "oh you draw?" thing. Yup I do. I'm secure there.
Where does it get me in my life? I was a bit surprised to realize this..light bulb moment...as a teacher. Now if there is any place in my life..vocation wise that I am secure and confident in what I do..it is as a teacher. I am wickedly good at working with both preschoolers and children with issues. So why did I get hung up here with my title? Because it comes into question in the real world..ALOT! I am a preschool teacher..not alot of respect there..even less with the title of daycare provider. When I come into contact with "teachers" that have a degree in elementary or secondary education (not all of them of course)I often get..the question..what do you do..when I say I teach..the questions fly..oh what grade..preschool..oh....I see. Yeah it kind of goes like that. There is this look that goes with it..the look I hate that. Like some how being a preschool teacher is not worthy of the title teacher. It annoys me in a huge way! When I am in a group and someone says.."this is Sarah she is my daycare provider"..I cringe..there is that look!! Geesh!!
So why do I allow others to effect me in a negative way? Public perception is incorrect. I know this. So I started to think about what my job entails as an in home preschool teacher and daycare provider. Was their judgment valid? Here is what I do in my job as a daycare provider and teacher of preschoolers...well a short list anyway... Parents know when they bring their children to me that: they will be safe all day, loved on, encouraged, fed well, entertained, taught new and wonderful things, strong boundaries so when they leave my nest they will understand what to do in big school, how to get along with others, how to share and keep ones hands to ones self, how to use nice words, manners, how to wait in a line or for a turn,how to use a pencil, scissors, ABC's and 123's, upper and lowercase, beginning reading and addition, sorting and patterns, beginning writing, the basics of nature and science, the color wheel and basic computer skills..etc etc.. They will also know that if their child is having issues..I will more likely be the first one to see it and bring it to their attention. I also, clean bottoms, wipe noses, comfort, dance with, laugh with, get them ready for soccer, running, swim team, a long road trip, homework and tutoring. So when I thought about all of these things..wrote them all down I was deeply pleased with what I do.
There is a Buddhist concept, I am paraphrasing here..about being present and happy in what ever you do..being present. It does not matter what you do but how you do it. It does not matter what society thinks of your job, whether you are a surgeon or you collect the garbage, whether you are a secretary or the president of the company, whether you are a stay at home mom or a writer or artists! You count..you are gifted in what you do..you are the gift. It is the action of doing what ever you do with joy and peace that is what is important..not how others view it. It is only important how you view your work and not how people around you view what you do. So today..as my kiddos show up and I do my thing or I draw of snap pics..I will try to do it with joy, contentment and be present in the knowledge that no matter what others may think of me as a teacher, artist or photographer..I am content in what I do and that is enough.
Would you share with us what wonderful thing you do and how you feel about it? Please do..I love it when you come and join me!! I think I will have some french toast and coffee...MMMMMMMMmmmmmm. You are a blessing to me, thank you!! Namaste, Sarah
So so true. Thank you for sharing this. It reminds me of a sign twirler we have close to our home. In Southern California, you will find on many corners someone holding a sign to advertise a business. They usually spin the sign to help try and drum up business. There is one particular sign spinner that is amazing. He will always be out there dancing, constantly smiling and just really makes it look like a fun job. I have often thought when seeing him, well if you are going to do something you might as well do it right.
It is sad that people feel the need to belittle others' talents and professions in order to feel better about their own. Your post addressed thes issues so well and what one 'does' is not necessarily who one 'is'. Being successful in a career doesn't always speak about the person you are...better to try and be the best person we can be in whatever we do...the rest will follow!
Hi Sarah. Well, you know I relate to this one. Since I've been a romance writer my whole life and had all those same looks directed at me. It's wearing. I read that post from Bonnie yesterday too, and it seriously got me thinking about being present. Yup, something I need to work on. Regardless what I'm doing. You are terrific at what you do. I'm proud of you! All those nay-sayers can just go get a life of their own to scorn. Keep 'em busy...:p) Hugs, B
Sarah my darling artiste.
I believe in what Wahid says on this one. "Get your self worth from the inside out, not the outside in."
Love Renee xoxo
This happens more than it should. To me the most hurtful part is when it happens within your very own family. Like you, sweet Sarah I have learned that their opinion means nada. How I feel is what's most important. :)
What a crazy world - when we do not value those who teach our little ones. Thank goodness you soak up your appreciation from the eyes of the little ones and their parents, not the people gauging the rung we stand on or the letters behind our names.
Renee offers us a great saying there from Wahid.
A great post Sarah, to help get our heads screwed on right for the week ahead.
You know, I think I have been gaining weight since coming to your quilting bees!! Have to cut back on the whip cream.
Isn't it terrible how we, as a society, say that children are the most important part of life and yet, do not view anyone who works with children as performing the most valuable work of all? And, of course, not paying them accordingly either. We're such hypocrites on this point.
What you do as a pre-school teacher is to be commended. The way you describe it doesn't sound like a job, but more like being an aunt to all the children who visit your house each day. A very loving aunt.
Mornin' Sarah! I think french toast is my absolute fave. YUM! Mmmmmmm! (is there maple syrup dripping from my chin?)
Like any 'job' the ones who do it with excellence and enthusiasm and wholeheartedly are the exception rather than the rule. Illustrative of that, I'd posted this quote a couple weeks back on FB - "A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. "- Louis Nizer
There's sometimes just a difference in perception if you use a different word. Reading your partial list of what you 'do' I was thinking perhaps 'educator' might be an even more accurate word for it and then thinking that found this little jewel of a quote I thought I'd share with you - "The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. "
C. S. Lewis
Thanks for the lovely break time here this mornin'...
Loves sister Quacker xoxoxoxoxo
Dearest Sarah, if I ever thought who would inspire me as an artist, teacher and writer I would always think of you. I think you are fantastic! ((Hugs!))
Sarah, Your second last paragraph sums it all up. You are a teacher, an artist, a photographer, a meentor, a mother, and on and on it goes. ...seven years ago when I got sick I struggled with suddenly not knowing who I was. Because I did not have a title. Luckily I have realized my selfworth and now I am me and everything that entails. From day to day it changes. I am not going to have anyones opinion of me reflect on my value...I had ny first cruel comment from a blogger this past week and I thought do I take this personally, no, but I did look at this persons blog and realized this was a very critical person whose main goal is to go around to other blogs and rip them to shreds. So maybe you have encountered the same one I have....I know since I have come here I have admired you and keep coming back for more...Sorry I should have wrote a post. lol Take care, We are the ones that are blessed.
Lovely post, Sarah. Being present ... yes. Everyone is important -- no matter what they do. We were walking on Rice campus and I was taking photos. (Haven't posted them yet, but I will). What I loved, there were flags on light poles -- photos of faces -- called the Faces of Rice -- from students, instructors, janitors, gardeners, secretaries -- all faces of the Rice community -- all smiling. Oh, when will we learn that we are all the faces of the community called earth?? That we all belong, we are all needed, we are all special?!!!
Sarah - I have been so blessed with the pre-school teachers my 4 kids have had. The most important gift they gave my kids (if I have to pick just one :) is to love school. Think about that - you are the first formal education they get. My kids had amazing teachers that taught them everything you listed, and one other thing, too: to be excited about learning, and school, and making friends. So be proud of what you do and remember moms like me think you are rock stars! :) As for writing, I know this one all too well (being a children's author). Of course Harry Potter turned that around for us, but if you write for young kids, you get very little respect. I heard a story once (I don't know how true it is, but it's funny): Dr. Seuss was at a dinner party, and this doctor came up to him and said, "You write those little rhyming kid books, don't you? I have an idea for one, I'm going to write it next weekend." Dr. Suess looked at him and said something like "You do those little surgeries, don't you? I think I'll do one next weekend." LOL! I'm sure I have that wrong, but the sentiment is perfect - one should never assume that another's job is easy or has not been learned from years of trail and error, or education. :) Have a great Thanksgiving! xox Pam
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