It has been an amazing art week for me!! Here are two new Everyday Witch's shops that sold before I could pop over here and post them - whoo hoo doing happy dance!
Otherwise it has been a very rough week, but I will post about that later -I am breathing.

Along with the witchy town I am working on, I have been playing around with a forest full of fairies and the like. I can't tell you how I ended up doing Geisha's fairies or Bonsai trees - but here they are. Funny where the muses lead us sometimes. I haven't quite finished the warrior, she needs wings and something else, hmmmm.... - so I guess it is a WIP we shall see where she leads me. Japan has always fascinated me and I love bonsai trees. Well anyway - here is what is rolling around in my head.
That tree is Magnificent Sarah!!
Me too. :)
Clicking on the bonsai tree I say that cute looking Geisha fairie. Very nice detail!
Oh Sarah, I LOVE that Bonsai Geisha fairy!!! Isn't it funny how, sometimes the muse is strongest when other areas of our life aren't going the way we want?
I hope everything is getting better,
Too cute! You can feel free to show the lovely you created for me, if you'd like.
And, since you like Japan so much, (yes, I'm beginning to think we are sisters,) you might like the read from my blog, Before And After. It's under Readers Favs. These art pieces are adorable. As to the life issues? I'll be sending good energy to join with yours in the ongoing dealing of it all.
Bright Blessings!
Love the bonsai plant ...
Love your geisha fairies, Sarah. Sorry you had a bad day...I hope the weekend gets better. ♥
Oh Sarah..these are so great. I attended a knitting class at the cancer institute this morning, and I chuckled to see your witchy women at their knit and purl shop! Once again...gorgeous stuff!
Love, Love, Love these!!!
OMG...girl you are rock'n....clap clap clap..
Sonia ;)
i love bonsai, katanas, wakizashis, tantos, and more, too... thx sarah :)
I'm glad your bad day is almost over...and you were so productive during it! I just found you and like your pen and ink very much so am going go hit on that old 'follow' button. Best thoughts from the brush!
I love the tree, it's sooo relaxing to look at, and I look forward to seeing how the warrior turns out :) Glad you've sold some more work, and hope you are ok.
Kim x
Geisha fairies! Perfect!
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