Saturday, September 24, 2011

Practical Magic Blog Party!!!! Plus a Giveaway!

Welcome to my Practical Magic Blog party!
So put on your stripey tights and fancy purple boots and join me!

Beautifully enchanting witchy eyes....

the glow of  a soft full moon....

add rose petals and a fervent wish.

The love of two sisters...

and a magical child.

some midnight margaritas in a magical kitchen...

Add it all together in a carefully crafted spell...and poof..

You get wonderfully witchy fun...and a giveaway....
If you would like a chance to win a $20.00 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop...
1.  Add a comment here on this post
Tell me what you love about Practical Magic!
2. Become a follower for a 2nd chance...if you are one that works too!
3. For a third chance to will follow me on FB!!

I will pull a winner out of my witchy hat on the 1st of October at 9am!!! Good luck all and thank you for popping by my party. To visit more wonderful on the link at the upper right corner of my blog!!
Hugs all, Sarah

But there are some things I know for certain:

Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder,

keep rosemary by your garden gate,

plant lavender for luck,

and fall in love whenever you can.

My winner is Melissa...whoot...congratulation!! Please email me and I will send you information hon!!


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Thank you so much for visiting with me. Isn't this such a wonderful day?? I love so much about Practical Magic - especially the power of love that is projected within both the book and the film. :)

Your art is just so sweet - thank you for the opportunity to win a gift certificate from you!

I follow your blog!!!

I like your page on Facebook!!!

Linda said...

I had a woundrous time at your party. Your drawings and photos were amazing. I hope that you will come to my party:

I will follow you too.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Yippee! A giveaway! I love Practical Magic although I haven't seen the movie. Book was great!

Anonymous said...

Believe this or not, the first time I heard the saying, "If you throw salt over your left shoulder, you will never again visit that place," I was in the military. I thought it was superstition, but because the guy ranked higher than myself, I dared not say a word. Now I figure, it can't hurt. I have to make a little bag for myself, and reserve it for those occasions.

Bird said...

Hi Sarah,
What a great post with lovely photos and artwork. I love your art. I had a very nice time visiting you for the PM party and I hope you'll swing by if you can and visit me as well.

Yes, please do enter me for a chance to win a gift certificate to your Etsy shop. I just visited and love it. :-)

I just became a follower.

Bright autumn blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post. Great artwork !!!
Why do I love Practical Magic ??? Wher to begin ? I love it, because it makes me feel so good. The love in the movie is so powerful, that it jumps off the screen of the tv.
I think that the love between the sisters and the aunts is the most powerful in the movie and that is what I really love. The home and the garden are so beautiful, I would love to have such a home and garden.
Have a magical weekend.

Jen said...

Thank you so much for visiting my party blog. I miss seeing you!!!

The one thing I truly adore about Practical Magic is how the love of sisters and family intertwine with the magick itself, since true magick lies within all of us! And of course the Midnight Margaritas! :)

I am following you all over the place!!! Hugs and Blessings~Jennifer

LuLu Kellogg said...

Sarah...I just LOVE your art! So whimsical!

Thank you so much for sharing your post with all of us for the Practical Magic Blog Party! I love this movie so much because it always reminds me of the magic we have in all of us.

Lovely to visit with you! Please make sure to visit me as I am having a Giveaway of one of my Art Crowns! I now now following you!

LuLu Kellogg

Jane K said...

I loved visiting your party, your photos are magical.

I love so much about Pratical Magic but especially the settings, that house and garden are in my dreams.

I will now be following you :)

J x

Magaly Guerrero said...

I love the stockings, but I love the pictures more. So sweet and real, which is what I love most about the Practical Magic movie. There is so much reality in the fiction.

1. I commented.
2. I follow.
3. I've liked you on facebook.

Victoria said...

Gorgeous post..magical and enchanting..beautiful photos..

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, you did a great job. Your art is so cool :)


Tamara said...

Your artwork is wonderful!! I can't just pick one thing on why i love Practical Magic. lol I've watched it a million times and love every second of it. :) I think I need to go check out your Etsy shop. lol

I'm following
And I facebooked


Celia said...

What a magical post!!! I am a new follower....please enter me in your giveaway! My favorite part of the movie? I have several....the Conservatory.....the Aunts.....and many quotes!

apinkdreamer said...

what a magical post! thanks so much!!!!

Susan said...

Lovely post, wonderfully magic photos,and I love your art!
I LOVE everything about PM the movie, but if I have to nail it down to one thing, it would be the love of family and sisters...which I do not have.
Happy Mabon,

Susan said...

I am a follower and have been for a while :)
what do you mean by works? I am a follower thru google. I do not work, I am disabled (very sadly).

Susan said...

third chance...i like you on FB!!
I am so excited! thanks for the opportunity to win a piece of your art!

Petunia said...

Such a lovely magical post! I love your pictures and you artwork is beautiful. Love the one with the gypsy wagon and the two favorite things. Thank you so much for joining the party this year and for adding to the magic and fun :)


Karen said...

Enchanting post and your Gypsy Wagon is Delightful !!

magikalseasons said...

Hi Sarah! What a magical way to jump start Autumn! I enjoyed your party lovely photos and please pour me one or 2 of those tasty margaritas!
What can I say about Practical Magic I read the book first. When the movie came out I was thrilled! My girlfriends & I went and we were all enchanted. We all wish we could be magical transported to the Aunts house! Wishing you a magical Autumn too! Becca

Kim said...

Thanks for the post. Your artwork is delightful, so do enter me in your giveaway.

I love so much about PM - the love of the sisters, the wisdom of the aunts, the house, the gardens, the ultimate power of love over everything else...

I followed you as well. :)

Sunflower Farm and Petit Creek Lavender said...

We can never have enough magic in our lives. Enjoy your day.

Birgit said...

I love all your party photos -- so much of the Practical Magic spirit!

By the way, is that your Maine Coone cat on the greeting cards in the Etsy store? Adorable! :)

Magical Times,

Ricki Treleaven said...

This is such a cute post! Hello, I am visiting form the Practical Magic Blog party. :D I am your newest follower, and I want to visit your etsy store, too.

Melissa said...

The thing that I love most about Practical Magic is the ties that bind the matter what matter how different they are...they are bound by blood and more importantly by love!

mk261274 at gmail dot com

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

Melissa said...

PS I am now following :)

mk261274 at gmail dot com

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

Melissa said...

PPS I also like your facebook page:)

mk261274 at gmail dot com

♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

Lady Jess said...

Lovely post and I love that cute little art piece!

Anonymous said...

Great post!!I love being a part of this blog party!! Good job on this it is very special. I like the pic of the sisters!

Lisa said...

What a fantastic artist! Blessings, Lisa

Sara said...

lovely post, and please enter me in your giveaway. I love the ending the best. When they have all the town folk come to see them. Hugs Sara

lizventuri said...

I love this movie. Although my magic is much more subtle (whose isn't?). The Aunt's are such wonderful characters. But my favorite aspect of the film and the book was when my daughter (who is now almost 14) watched it with me and said, "oh, I get it. When you are yourself and open up love and good things find you." Smart, smart girl.

clairedulalune said...

Oh Sarah, I made it! I would love to come to your party!!! Your blog is looking beautiful, i have not been able to come here for too long and I cant wait to catch up, and your artwork just gets better and better! Much love, Claire!!xx

clairedulalune said...

Oh, what do i love about practical magic? Everything!!! It got me onto the wonderful author of the story, Alice Hoffman, in which i obssess over finding her books in second hand s shops and of course,,, THE HOUSE!!!! favourite film ever, never fails!!xxx

Michelle said...

What a magical party post! I love everything about Practical Magic, especially the bonds between sisters. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I love your post! It is magickal in itself. What beautiful photographs.
My favorite thing about Practical Magic is the old ladies and their house. Beautiful blog!

Shai Williams said...

I don't know if I can pick out just one. What first comes to mind is the love that radiates thru the whole movie but I also love the house and their BOS

Shai Williams said...

I already follow you thru GFC.

beverly e said...

You're so talented! Is that honeysuckle wound around your wand?
It is said to encourage creativity...
Thanks for your lovely post and please enter me in your drawing. Bright Blessings!

Zoe said...

Such a great post and tribute to the amazing film/book.

Zoe x

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