Today I was over visiting Joanna @ The Fifty Factor.... this morning...she asked a question..
What one perfect moment in your life would you relive if you had the opportunity? So I have been thinking on this all day...so many choices I am happy to say..the births of my children.. joyful holidays..love, laughter..this was harder than it sounded.
As a parent those moments are unending..as a teacher so many wonderful times. So I narrowed it down to very personal moments..performances...times that I felt huge joy..still..not much that topped my kiddos arrivals. Standing ovations..yeah..amazing..loved those..but still .. not the joy of hearing that sweet little voice the first time. First kisses..and second ones..wow..but not the same as those first sweet kisses on a new child's fuzzy little head. So ok...I give...it is the kiddos..their arrivals... can't seem to top that..and that is ok with me..it really is.
It is funny how when you think about this kind of thing..it is so easy to just think about how many moments you would not want to relive..ever..they jump to the forefront of everything. Those painful life altering experiences..when the world stops on a dime and you go ...OMG( or something more colorful). It was hard for me to look beyond them and find those sweet delicious moments of beauty. But I am happy to say that the beautiful ones won out. Enlightening.

This week has been enlightening..to say the least. I really struggled to post my recent post about the reality of where I was. I felt weak and ashamed that somehow I was human..not super human..not organized happy Sarah..that I had found myself struggling and needed help..a hug a hand up. What I received was a group rescue..a loving, intense lesson in ..."Ya just gotta ask already". I admit it I can be a stubborn girl..thank you all for offering me something wonderful, something magical..something that restored my soul and my strength...when I asked you gave openheartedly to me. I am so deeply touched..still in tears..still breathing and feeling disbelief in the amazing women that fill this space. So thank you one more time.. you helped me find my warrior woman..my strength..my heart!
Hugs and love, Sarah
You are so special Sarah! A beautiful woman!!! I sure wish you could take the Brave Girls online workshop, Soul Restoration. I think you would get so much out of it. Melody has such a way of helping you get down to the core of things.
~the moment you are able to touch...smell...see your little for the very first time after waiting so long...yep...i do think that moment is priceless...all the others fill our heart and move our spirit but nothing can compare to the first!
sarah...you are only deserving of such goodness...you give and give and give of your heart...your mind and spirit and now it is your turn to recieve...embrace each blessing that has come your way...as we have embraced yours...much l♥ve and light upon you always~
Sarah, I Loved your post, I don't think much could beat the births of your children. beautiful photo btw. Glad you are feeling better, whenever you need just ask. there are wonderful souls out here, you have a wonderful heart and we really do care about you. hugs.
Such an adorable photo! Glad you're feeling more buoyant -- keep remembering your happy times!
sweet Sarah, we all have our moments of weakness, when it seems we can barely get up off our knees, that is when friends ciome along to give us a lifting hand. You are an amzing woman with a heart of gold. as for moments to treasure, as a mother of grown children I often wish I could go back and just hold those little ones and rock those babies a little more. I do hope you'll come by my blog to visit, If you read some of my old posts you'll find that we all have moments of feeling overwhelmed. Sending love and prayers your way!
Oh my...I stumbled into your blog this evening. I usually don't read I just look at pictures...but I read yours and kept reading. Oh sometimes life likes to throw us a curve ball. I can tell you....I have been through some very tough times...It changes you...usually for the better. Because we think we are so tough and in control...and when we find out we are not...uhhh hard to take. You will make it...i know..it's o.k. to be scared and ask for help...but I know...you are not alone, you are loved and you will not only survive...you will thrive. Namaste.
I love the kittens...so adorable!! Glad you had time to polish your armor...and are feeling stronger. We are all here for one another. I know I don't know what I would do without all of you!! (((Big hugs)))
and from the bottom of the roots I wish you all your wishes come true sarah....never far from your soul.....my sweet soul sister.
Sarah, my computer has been in the shop for a week and I haven't had the desire to blog much anyway. I am not down, just wanting some recovery time from the stress of the move. I am saddened to read you are having a hard time lately. For YOU. Not for all the responsibilities. You are in my thoughts and I know so many others who read your blog are sending love and hugs to you too.
Wow, ditto for me. I couldn't say the way I been feeling any better than you just expressed. What a great post thanks for sharing.
Hi Sarah,
First, a million thanks for my fabulous knitted hand warmers/fingerless gloves. I absolutely love hem and have them on as I type. The the sweet treat is lovely too and so thoughtful. Thank you, thank you.
Second, glad my post sparked so happy memories for you. Your children are so beautiful and it's easy to tell from the wonderful photos you share with us that they are loved and they know it. That's such a blessing.
And you are a blessing too. I know times have been tough but, as I always say, I'm cheering you on and hoping that helps in some some all. I think you are a very special woman.
xoxoxo jj
Dear Sarah , been so tied up in my own selfish little plans have not been by much. I just read your previous post and did not realize you were still have hard times. I remember your mentioning that a while back. So many folks are going through the same thing. Some of my own children have lost jobs, cutbacks etc. Raising 6 children HH and I sometimes did not even know where we would live but something always came through. Blessings and prayers to a strong woman. Those children will understand. Don't underestimate them.
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