Hi all....I have a question I thought some wonderful blogger might be able to answer for me. I have a domain...I would like to add it on my blog..rather than the name it is now. I am kinda scared to do it..know how..just not sure what will happen when I do..will I loose my followers...is it a good thing..should I leave well enough alone...

So if any of you have done that...added your own domain to your blog...could I please...


Oooop sorry got distracted there..ooo that was fun...sorry. Could you maybe share your wisdom with me! Thank you...

Hugs, Me :)
I am unsure of what you are trying to do. If you are just using it for a re-direct link, it shouldn't do anything. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
I have been looking for the answer to this question myself! All I find are people asking for help after the fact (when it is not working) so I too am very scared to attempt it.
I will be watching closely to see if you figure it out ... and thanks for the hunky distraction :)
xo Lis
sorry I can't help you on your technical issues but boy do I love a man courageous enough to don a skirt! of course with legs like that why wouldn't he be?
Helllooo Sarah! You know you are asking the wrong person with me, but i wish you the best of luck with it all..............droooolllll.... i am sorry, i keep thinking about that handsome Scottish man Mr Butler. what was i talking about?..Mmmmm....
~nothing better than a wandering mind! brave enough for pink and a skirt...l♥ve it...wish i could be of help but i too am with the others...you may be able to ask Alisha
i am pretty sure yo know her from wishcasting...she had a blogspot then switch to .com...hope this helps a wee bit and good luck...warm wishes and brightest belssings~
Sarah, I have no idea how it works, that one photo is dreamy. I love a man in a kilt. I check my mail every day. Things take a while to get here. I will let you know when it arrives.
hope you are well, Have a great weekend, take care my friend and good luck. hugs.
I really like the photos today especially the bottom one. So cute. I know someone will assist you with your question about switching to your domain name. Hope things are going well for you, it sounds like you are so busy lately.
Now theres a picture every reader should be able to appreciate! That man can wear (or not) whatever he wants and still look good. Sorry I can't be of any help with your question...
Hi Sarah:
Check out Jill at SneakyMommaBlogDesigns, she has a lot of tips and a place where you can e-mail her this sort of question.
Thank you all so much! And...yeah..am thinking that picture just stands alone...with or without the kilt...he is well...k mind is wandering again...;)
Loved the photos, like the others am NO help on techy issues! :)
I did it a few months back and nothing changed. My ranking stayed the same as did my followers.
Take care! xx
OH MY I can not resist....1st I can not help you but you helped me LOL........and better than the kilt look at that pink shirt now that is just plum dreamy he could wear anything and melt my heart LOL
I'm not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but a long time ago, I wanted to not only change the name of my blog, but the "address" as well. .changing the name of my blog affected nothing, but the minute I changed the ISP, I lost all of my followers. .thankfully, I didn't have that many, and it was easy for me to write to them and tell them what happened. Had I had more content, I would not have been a happy camper.
I hope that my experience helps you make your decision. .but you might want to check with experts. .blogger could have changed their setup to allow such changes now.
Ok. .taking my blinders off. .heavy sigh. . .I do love a fine pleat! I laugh and shake my head every time I hear some guy complain about "not putting on some dumb skirt". .if they only knew just how sexy that is!! Why else would my favorite day at Renfest be the day the Scots come to the village?
Hi, I'm from the trinket trade. Dropping by to say hello. Beautiful blog.
Sarah - I wish I could help you but I can't. Loosing followers could be a tough row to hoe after working so hard to get them...I wonder if you repeatedly redirected them for about a month and made them aware ahead of time that you are going to try to do this with the hope they will follow you to your blog if it fails. Sorry I can't more help. Do love the hunk in the kilt though...sigh...lol
Sarah, I'm pretty sure that when you point your domain name to your blog that it will redirect your old blog address to your new one and nothing will change. I'm not 100 percent so you'll want another opinion, but that's my 2 cents!
Yeah, love Gerard Butler!!
yep... settings- publishing- click on custom domain then 'already own domain'... all traffic to blog address gets redirected & everything stays same. I did it with my suzi's scribbles blog & everything worked out fine! Good luck.
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