Jamie asks us today...... What do we wish to read? I am a sucker for a seasonal read. I love reading Christmas mysteries and romances. I also look forward to a good summer read. I spend most of my high school and some of my college years in LA. At the beach as often as possible. We also had a pool at that home. Unlike my friends... I could not just lay at the beach for hours doing nothing, so if I wasn't in the water or building sandcastles (yeah - even at 18) I was reading. Reading a deliciously light summer book. So, I look forward to the lightness that Summer brings, the permission to read light, pull you hat down, slather on the sunscreen and stretch out on the lawn chair kind books. The ones that make you smile for the rest of the day and that you hope & pray there is a second in the series. Who's characters you adore and want to visit again - soon!
I recently read on one of the blogs of how some of these types of writers suffer criticism from the "More Serious" writers that they are not writing REAL books. I'm thinking that the majority of the public would get a good giggle and snort out of that. So as I dig out my summer hat and sunglasses and dust off my lawn chair.. here is to all of you wonderful writers that make my summer so much fun!
So.... I wish to read light, fun, relaxing summer books!
Oh I love to read. Have you read Greg Iles The Quiet Time? If you like a Grisham type book with a little more action, this one is great. He's a writer from Natchez MS who is in that band with Stephen King and others.
Happy Twirls
Sarah, your post made me smile. Whenever I think of summer reading, I feel a bit of a guilty twinge in my stomach. For years and years I have been saying to myself, "THIS is the summer that I will read A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. The book is large (like 1000 pages) and I always picture myself laying on the beach for days and getting lost in the story. It hasn't happened for me so far, and now I am not able to lay in the sun anymore. Now I dream of sitting under the shade of a palm tree and devouring the book. Maybe this will be the year!
Thank you again for my AWESOME prize! I am ridiculously excited about it!
Your post brought me back to when I was much younger. I would do the same thing!!!
As Sarah Wishes for herself, I lovingly wish for her too!!
I remember the summer reading list that we dragged home from school at the close of the school year. The one that required the hated, hated, book reports!
But, you, my dear put the fun in the reading which is what it's supposed to be all about. SO, perhaps I'll try harder to join you in the sultry months ahead.
As this lovely spirit wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her, also!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Hear, hear! (Or is it here, here?) I believe that these light, summer reads provide a valuable service. Don't we all need to escape from time to time, lighten our spirits and just have fun?
I'll join you on the beach (or patio) and enjoy some relaxing summer books! Have fun!
As Sarah Wishes for herself, I truly wish for her too!!
I just stopped by the library today and borrowed a Paulo Coelho novel. It is relaxing enough for me. :)
I like whacky humor as well. So anyone up for laughing I would recommend any book by Douglas Adams, such as the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Bring on the lawn chair and the sunshine!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also
I love the summer read! I've got a few piled up on my shelf just waiting for some sun to melt all the snow off my patio chairs.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Libby made a great suggestion with Greg Isles- in fact if that is his newest then I shall check it out. However if you just want something light and fun I recommend Flirting With Forty by Jane Porter. Come to FL-I'll take you the beach:)
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Enjoyed your writing about books. Me too, looking forward to warm lazy days!
Here's to summer reading! Yippee... let down the hair and brain candy! YeeHawww!
Oh, I love to read!!! Sometimes I'm sad because I know that there are so many books that I will not be able to read. I have a list of books that I want to read and reading just those would cover me for few years... and every week there is a new book on the list. It's impossible :o))) But I'm sure that when my girls reading will not be a challenge anymore.
Yes, I LOVE to read.
As Sarah wishes, so I wish for her also!
May you have a lovely summer, relaxing and reading! Fun! :)
So many books...
so little time!!!
It's how I feel every time I enter a library or bookstore! Enjoy your summer reads, Sarah!
Ah yes, I love to read...wish I had more time for that too!
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
I get to see Heart every single day-and everyone who enters my home hears about you, your blog, and how that picture came to be hanging here w me. :-)
I get a little teary every day-so you're allowed to too. :-)
as Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
I agree with you about a summer read. Mine are always light and trashy...perhaps because they involve sun, beach,and vacation.
As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I'm totally in the mood for a light summer read too. I wonder if I can find anything on my shelf...
I totally agree with you here. If all books were of the heavy, intellectual, mind stretching type, we would never get the chance to relax. All books are good, even the bad ones :)
You are giving me lots to think about :)
Kim x
hear hear! I'm going to pull up a lawnchair myself and do some fun, light readng - maybe a little Debbie Macomber. That works.
As Sarah wishes for herself, I also wish for her!
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