This lovely quilt is by..Priscilla Bianchi
Hello again everyone, so glad you could join us. I think spring has finally sprung and the last of the snow is gone – fingers crossed!! Maybe next month we can take the whole rack outside and work in the sunshine!! Mmmmm that sounds heavenly – yes? My turn for treats so… I am offering up some old favorites of mine whoopee pies(check out
Libby @ Twirl & Taste for some serious and delightful Southern hospitality) and cupcakes. Yes very gooey treats but I think we adults need gooey now and again too. I did the fancy Martha Stewart cupcakes – whoo hoo that was fun – see the little bumble bees on them? I have racked a lovely quilt today, full of all things lucky. Little clovers, rainbows with pots of gold, lottery tickets & horse shoes. I skipped the rabbit feet – ewwww – my bunnies would be quite angry with me. So please pull up a chair and let’s start stitching.
So, a couple of days ago, I was reading
Audrey’s blog . If you haven’t been there yet – by all means do. I never leave her blog without something to chew on or giggle about. She was writing about “Luck” and debating whether she was a lucky person. It’s a great post!! It got me thinking though….yeah I know – scary. Thinking about how we perceive life, as half full or half empty. I know several of both types and wonder often – what defines how we perceive the world. Who gets the better end of that lollipop?
I am without a doubt a half full kinda person. This seems, on the cover to be a good thing, and in general I guess it is. It seems that folks with a more positive out look on life live longer and generally are healthier. We tend to deal with stress better and let things roll off our backs like ducks – quack. We are often hopeless romantics ( am sooooo very much one).The down side is – being perpetually hope filled – we also tend to wade in the river of denial more often, thus getting ourselves into deeper bogs of stupid. – “Wow – why didn’t I see that coming?” As… we tend to look for the good in everyone and frankly – not everyone deserves this point of view. I think we tend to take longer to define boundaries for ourselves. I think though, once we do get some balance we tend to be pretty happy people. I am a duck.
I live with a half empty kinda guy. Which I have discovered much to my surprise, is amazing! He seldom expects great things to happen and reality is his friend. He does not trust easily, despite his big heart. He keeps that heart well protected and seldom wears it on his sleeve (mine is perpetually there). If he finds it there he will change his shirt. (Bare Naked Ladies, please forgive my stealing such a great line).Those close to him bask in his loyalty and warmth and huge sense of humor. But, the world is a much gloomier place for him and hope is at times a frivolity. So being a half full kind person, what do I see as the great things about being half empty? He seldom expects much, so he is seldom disappointed. He has tight boundaries and seldom gets hurt or walked on. He sees people with stark reality and a clear eye. He has a very hard shell and hides when he feels the need, he is a turtle.
So how do we get on with each other? Very rough at first!! I guess he has learned from a duck that putting good energy out there gets good things. Being more open, opens doors. He has relaxed A LOT in ten years & can often waddle with the best of us. What have I learned from the turtle – having a shell is a good thing, I am not nearly as squishy as I used to be. Boundaries are amazing things. I take a harder look at folks – fewer pairs of rose colored glasses, protect myself more and tend to wade out of my bogs more quickly. We balance each other pretty well I think.
So – I’m thinking that although we are what we are, I believe we are changeable – a bit anyway. I'll take two lollipops - good end for both please! So what are you….a duck or a turtle? What do you think is great about being one or the other?
Next week a good friend has offered to pop by and deliver her amazing lattes, chai tea or whatever drink you heart might desire from a classic North West coffee stand. She will also be bringing a mouthwatering selection of muffins – yummmmm. Thank you for popping by and joining me again. I hope the time has restored you a bit. Your company always restores me, thank you! I do so love hearing what you have to say in response to my ramblings. Have a great week! Namaste, Sarah
PS. Almost forgot - I will be having a giveaway - a couple sweet art offerings this week - please come and join the fun!