Hello all!! I hope you all had a wonderful week!! I thought we might do a bit of light Spring like food today, as many of you are shoulder deep in snow! Out here it was nearly 50 again. Very light winter here. I am not bragging..honestly I miss the snow. So how about some crepes with a light sweet sauce and all the fruit you can handle? Bananas, berries, mango, peaches, pineapple, melon on the side? What would you like to refresh you from your winter blues? I have set out several pitchers of fresh squeezed juices..orange and pineapple, apple, grapefruit and mixed blends...can you smell the strawberries...yummmmm. Kona coffee of course and any tea you might like. I have added some yogurt and granola if you would rather have that!
Please make yourself at home. Sit by the window where the sun is shining in.
I have racked a quilt full of wonder, please join me and pull up a chair!
So glad you are here today!
Wonder is a good word..I like that word. If conjures up delight and new experiences in my head. That deep down wonderful feeling that warms the whole soul. As grownups I think we are prone to being all too serious..I think I mentioned this last week. Sometimes we feel like we have to finish all the work before we can play. I know myself...this is often my point of view..no play until the house is clean, or the dishes washed, or the bills paid...yeah. Well the only problem with that..all of the "work" is never, ever all done. There is always something to clean, to wash, to pay, to complete..always. It is easy to miss things that create wonder and joy when you are busy worrying about the dust bunnies. Ok, so mine are more like giant dust rabbits. I swear I could make a whole new dog every week out of the hair that Lucy Lu sheds!! See what I mean...worrying about dust critters.
A very wise woman once told me..."The dust will be there tomorrow and the day after that. Your children are only young once. Don't miss life while you are busy." Yup being present is a constant struggle for me..to step out of my box and enjoy the now. Last week I had one of those moments that made me stop and contemplate where my head was right now.
In 2005 we were living in a very small house. Really it was a converted garage behind an old house. It was in an area of town that isn't the best and although it was all we could afford at the time it was a bit pride sucking. But we made due. We didn't have a car at the time and I walked back and forth to the college every day. About three miles in all kinds of weather, day and night. One of my classmates in an evening class offered to drop me off after class each week. This was huge in the dead of winter at 9pm. It was scary and wickedly cold. It was a blessing to have Jenn do this for me.
Several years have passed and now and again I would see her in passing around town. This year though our kiddos are in the same class together. Jenn has not seen our new home, or maybe even knew that we had moved out of the hole we were living in and into this Cottage I love so in the garden district. She surprised me the other day when she dropped off one of my after school kiddos for the kiddos mom. I of course welcomed her into my home..she was a bit shocked I think. We have come a long way. But my point.. was where my head was. I was a bit thrown and upset. My house was a bit of a mess. Fridays are the day we regroup and put stuff back in order after a week filled with children playing and making fun messes everywhere. Things are out of place and well, basically everywhere.
As I watched Jenn look around my main room ..what I saw was mess. I am guessing what she saw was the whole new life we have made for ourselves. She even said how cute our house was! For a couple of days I beat myself up about how I had not had a clean house to offer up to my friend. You see of all of the folks who know me now..Jenn is one of only three people who had ever seen where I lived before. I was ashamed, I was embarrassed that there was clutter. It was clean, it was lived in. There are lots of fun things to look at. The room full of children were very happily playing and her kids were wanting to stay and play for a bit too. My home is warm and inviting and a safe, wonderful place to be for us and the children who visit us. But when she walked in my front door..all I saw were my imperfections. It took me a couple of days to see how hard on myself I was being. To see that in my need to stay on top of all of the work I had missed something very important. I was so busy worrying about the clutter..I did not enjoy her visit..I stressed myself out completely over clutter. I spent most of Saturday playing keep up with the Jones's. Cleaning and redoing my main living area.
Late in the day it hit me, that I had taken for granted the gifts I have been given. The huge leap that we have taken from where we were to where we are. I had become ungrateful and lost the wonder that is our lives right now. I had lost my wonder in the midst of being busy and not being present.
So I decided I needed to find something to do yesterday for the remaining part of the day that was out of the ordinary... not work. That I needed to remind myself that things are good and I can relax now and again and breathe! So, I made bread from scratch, I played some music that made my heart sing, I stood outside and wondered at the warm weather and the sunshine on my face. I even watched a movie on pay per view last night. Ok, well I should not have watched "Paranormal Activity" because it scared the crap out of me. But in the middle of it at a very tense moment in the movie, Jim scared me!I jumped a foot and screamed! We laughed for ten minutes because we haven't done that in years. I usually scare him! I was reminded this weekend that sometimes in the middle of working and artwork and cleaning and family and life..I forget to live..really live like we are intended to. A joyful, wonder filled life.
So today I am asking you to share with me one thing that you have been wanting to do that you have not. Maybe because you don't think you deserve the treat, or you need to finish some work or project or whatever first. This week I want you to do that thing that you have been withholding from yourself. Something that will add joy and wonderful to your week! Something that will remind you what a gift you are!
I think I will have some strawberries and light creme on a crepe...Mmmmmmm! I think I will have some hot peach tea also! What can I get for you this morning?
Thank you for coming by... you always bless me when you do! Thanks for pulling up a chair. Namaste, Sarah