The Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award is given to two amazing groups of bloggers;
1. To Bloggers who encourage and nurture others bloggers to explore and grow in their creative, spiritual or mental lives.
2. To Bloggers who are blooming and growing creatively, spiritually or mentally in their lives & sharing it on their blogs .
Please do not pass this one along....I like to give it out every now and again as a gift from me..Thanks!
So..... I thought it was time to offer up a couple more of my little award. You all amaze me every day here. I could give this to a 100 folks here. But..I will limit myself to a few folks that have really stood out of late. So as Renee inspires me, I hope I can inspire you a little. Thank you for all you do.
I have watched these folks consistently offer not only amazing support to me but many others across the blogs - yup I have been watching.
Anne @ Aginglite is of course my sister! It has been a huge joy of mine to blog with her here. I have gotten to know a side of her that I didn't know. That kind of part of folks you only know as a good friend and kinda miss as family. How blessed am I!! Anne started her blog as a purely professional thing and I have watched her bloom into a wonderfully personal blogger. She has amazing things to offer up. And well...I just really love her!!
Alicia @ Boylerpf is one of my greatest supporters here and I adore her. She is witty, charming and deliciously surprising! I have watched her blog bloom into a delightful picture of her!! You will find her comments everywhere as she is not only a wonderful blogger, but supports up so many others with her kind words! She is a joy to me!!
Claire @ Clairedulune is another of my supporters whom I adore. I have watched Claire struggle in the beginning with her blog and bloom into the most wickedly funny blogger I know. She never fails to crack me up with her witty honesty about life and love. Beyond being funny she is a very sweet soul. It is my happy luck to have found her!!
Robert @ Suecae Sounds is one of those people that you "meet by chance" folks in my life. This amazing photographer has reached out all the way from Sweden to touch my heart in so very many ways. I have watched his blog go from simply his amazing photography and music to a deeply personal and touching place to visit. It is no understatement to say he is a blessing to me!!!
Holly @ Your Mother Knows but Won't Tell You..
Yes, Queen Holly will delight, make you shoot coffee out your nose, be refreshingly honest, make you think deeply & hug you all in one post. She gets me..she really does..very clearly - I love that. Her blog is a delightful mix of delicious photos, deep subject matter and her amazing life. She is that amazing kind of friend that will tell me how it really is not what you want to hear...the truth. I love that about her!! A joy in my life!!!
Tabitha @ Knitting Journeyman Redux has become one of my very favorite places to land. This girl will make you stop and contemplate the universe and your place in it. I have watched her write her way through so many things this year!! She is amazing..truly a bright spirit!! I have watched her spread her wings and fly on her blog!! Yeah..I adore her too!!
Heather @ Witch Hollow Primitives was one of my original art supporters! We met on Ebay and she has encouraged and supported me every step along the way. Truly a mentor and friend. I would not be here is she had not encouraged me to reach out on line and get my name out there! I have also learned what a truly amazing woman she is. She has done the same thing here on the blogs...offered up love, support and advice to others!! She has been and remains a daily blessing in my life.
Cindy @ The Shabby Hag is another one of my Ebay buddies that has started blogging here this year. Wow..has she ever..she wasn't so sure about this in the beginning - but look at her fly now!!! Amazing stuff girl. She is a huge support system for so many and spreads her amazing love around to all that come. I always feel like I have walked away with a hug when I chat with her, she just has one of those amazing spirits. Yup another blessing in my life!!
I have been remiss in my award duties...I deeply apologise if I have missed any one's sweet treat & that it has taken me a couple of weeks to show my thanks for these. I plead illness and summer stress.
Audrey whom I adore gave me these two new ones for being a happy follower..Thank you so much hon. Following you is so very easy!!

Clair offered me this sweet treat. I loved this one too!! If you have not been to Clair's Blog..do yourself a huge favor and let her tickle your funny bone. The girl is wicked funny!!

My sister Anne has offered me this fun award/tag. Thank you hon!! I looove these!!

So..seven quick things....
1. I played the flute for many years.
2. I love my Crocs.
3. I once sang the lead in South Pacific.
4. I am a total scifi geek. Am currently addicted to "Torchwood".
5. I can't stand mustard..at all.
6. I danced for 14 years, primarily modern jazz.
7. I prefer the scent of carnations to roses.
Wow that was a long post....thanks for bearing with me! Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
Hugs, Sarah