Do you every have one of those days where your mind wanders from subject to subject. Bits of this and bits of that. Musing days, wondering about what everyone here is going through today, good, bad and indifferent. I'm having a musing day I guess.
This often happens when I have to walk down to the little market to get milk for the day. Walking does that for me, clears my mind & lets things rise to the surface so I can fish them out and look at them. I was walking this morning in the snow - yes snow showers today. But wet Spring snow, fated to melt away and help the flowers spring up - I hope!! Anyway, I was thinking about people's perception of what poor means. I often wonder what people think when they learn we have no car. Often they look shocked and say - OMG how do you do that? Or the better one of late, Wow, you really are green!! That makes me giggle, as it didn't start as a green thing, but poor thing. We sold a car that was too small for the family and were unable to replace it due to well....life happening. The last couple of years we could have managed to get a car and insurance and gas...... but we have found after 6 years - we really didn't want to and liked the idea of lessening our carbon footprint. So, we have resisted. We keep saying we will in 6 months....
I was also contemplating the trend on tv to show how families can get on for a week (snort) or (OMG) a month without their car, or computer, or lattes - ok am getting sarcastic, sorry. Over the last ten years we have had times with no tv or for several years or only PBS. Public Radio has fascinating programing!!! We have lived without any furniture for a while and were blessed by others with wonderful things - I really do like beds - I really do!! We did not have Internet until about a year and a half ago. OK, I will have to say - that the Internet is a major joy to me!!!
We have spent a summer (thank goodness only the summer) with only a crock pot and an open fire pit to cook on. We also hauled all of our water that summer. It cured any romantic notion of homesteading I might have had. I really do not enjoy using an outhouse. Especially at 11pm!!!
Having been very well off most of my life and now having experienced being very poor I feel like I can say this without sounding preachy (I hope). You cannot truly understand what that Mom in the food bank, waiting in line for her turn feels like. It's pride sucking. The gal begging to not have her electricity turned off when the meter guy comes to the door. The parent who can't miss one more day of work for a sick child or they will loose their job. You really can't fully understand what that feels like until you have been there. I don't mean for a week, or a month or a year experiment. I mean for whatever time it takes, maybe never to pull yourself out of that hole you are in. I have been contemplating the state of the economy and how so many newly poor will have their hope stomped on and trashed and their pride washed away by need. Take it from someone who has been there and survived and managed by the grace of others has pulled herself out of the hole, don't loose hope, don't quit, reach out and don't be afraid to ask for help. Being without funds is a fact, poor is a state of mind. To all of you who are struggling right now - I'm pulling for you!! Thanks for putting up with my ramblings.