I promised on Tuesday that I would give you seven things about me that you do not know! Well this is a challenge as I tend to Let Fly in general...so this took a bit of thought...
1. I love African Violets...love them. I could never have too many!! They seem to love me too! I guess this one came from my Mother..she loved them too.

2. I attract birds...they just seem to come to me. Yesterday on my walk home with one of my three year olds, a pair of nuthatches decided that around our feet was the place to hunt for food. For several minutes they hopped around within 15 inches of our feet. This type of thing happens often..they land on me and fly around me allow me to stroke them. Why..am clueless..maybe I vibe right!

3. I enjoy a good video game now and again. I am quite fond of "Champions" a good orc wacking session gets rid of stress like nothing else!! Whoo hoo where is my sword!!

4. I am a huge movie buff....not the go to the theater kind..although that is fun. I mean the nerdy..lets dissect the plot kind of buff..look at all of those special effects and actor interview kind of buff. Do you ever wonder who watches all of those second special feature disks? Yup that would be me!

5. I like..no strike that..I love to iron..I find it relaxing. Sheets, shirts, pants..no underwear thank you..but...I do love to iron!

6. I think we should all have a soundtrack to our lives. Something written just for us to inspire and comfort our moments! I would have something created for me by James Horner I think...sweeping stunning orchestrations! Some of my very favorite soundtracks have been created by him; Braveheart, The Patriot, Legends of the Fall, Last of the Mohican's, Man Without a Face, Titanic, The Rocketeer to name a few. Yes...I want a soundtrack to my life!!

7. I have a passion for words...Latin & Greek roots, word play, word puzzles, FreeRice.com...love it all. I know I am a totally geek..giggle snort..I'm ok with that too!! Namaste, Sarah
Oh well, that explains it then. I love Everything you love. Everything. :D
I very much like James Horner as well..how can you not.
The bird thing? Get that too, but not as lucky to have them come that close to me...
Oh, heck, all of it...knowing you a bit deeper? Best of all.
Thank you for the award...I feel compelled to leave 'our' Scottie up a wee bit longer before I stop celebrating my anniversary....but I'll be back to pick it up next week! It's a beauty...like you.
Seven fascinating facts! I love James Horner's soundtracks too. He's brilliant. And since you love ironing so much, come on over and do mine too!!! LOL
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I HATE to iron. HATE it. My mohter in law feels the same about it as you do so I try to take advantage of that fact as often as I can.
Love your new header with that beautiful pic.
Did you know the guy who composed The Adamms Family TV theme song died this week? (Didn't I hear that song on your blog???)
Everything you reveal adds another level to my admiration.
I, too, have always thought a sound track to our lives would help inspire, and pick us up off the ground on those days that we feel beaten up by life. Music just lifts one up in so many ways.
Have a great weekend Sarah - bird lady. :)
That is so amazing with the birds! I have definitely never touched a wild bird.. some semi tame ones at the zoo. Love that picture by the way, truly truly amazing!!
And ironing.. yeah I can't say I can join you on that one :)
Well, yes this is the Sarah I've know all along. I too love to do all of the arts and crafts that you do. Love the movies. Mostly I rent mine so that I can watch them when I want to. Not so much into the ironing like you however I garden. With you its birds with me its dogs. They will come up to me like we are long lost friends.
Geek!!!! Eeeeek!!! Me, too! {{{{}}}}
I am a Geek too...not because of pc tech stuff...But love to dissect movies, music, life...etc....we be geeking together....
As usuall, I love your images, those in words as well as photos. I agree about the soundtrack too, although mine would have to be by "various artists". :)
As for Geek, well, what can I say, it fits me too.
I understand the love of words Sarah.
I loved reading the things that you love, such great fun to get to know you a bit more and differently. xo
I am only happy to hear that you are proud of me. I really treasure your comments on my blog, and I can't stress enough how glad I am that we came into contact with one another.
I hope you and your family are enjoying the fall in all its beauty.
How did you get the ironing gene and I didn't? I only iron when absolutely necessary and my closet is almost empty. I hate ironing. And I never iron sheets, hankies or anything like that. I know Mom did. Maybe we could make a deal...... : ) Great pic of the cardinal. Aren't they just beautiful creatures? I used to sit at a table at the Desert Museum on their patio and have a little snack sometimes. There was a cardinal that lived there and would fly down onto the table and eat crumbs I'd leave for him while I was sitting right there! We both loved it. Now there is a sign saying "don't feed the birds." Tsk. Ruin all my fun.
From one geek to another, thanks for this post. It explains a lot about you, although after reading it I may have to go in for therapy.
I love learning more about your sweet soul!
hmmmm . . . ironing, huh?
ever in New York?
we've got a whole pile o' soothing therapy that needs ironing.
It is ever the gentle ones who attract the wild creatures...I know for I am one.
What a great 'vibe' to have the birds come to you like that Sarah. That is so special.
Not sure about the ironing thing though lol
Thank you very much for your comment and thoughts on my earlier post. Appreciated.
It would be so interesting to hear a soundtrack of our lives! Scrabble is one of my all time favorite games...played as a youngster with my Mom so I'm with you on the words. And seeing a wordle for a blog is so great. I never realized how often I used the word apple!
What wonderful things. The birds come to me too! I have a bird sanctuary where they are protected from predators and a bluebird trail. And I love to iron, the smell of clean linens freshly ironed bring back fond memories of my childhood. What a really cool post Sarah!!
I really enjoyed getting to know you better! I've been a bad blogger lately but things have finally slowed down! Yay!!! I have so may projects that I want to get done.
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