Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Conversations with Muses....

You know that moment..when your Muse leans close and whispers in your ear..."Are ya we go!"  It is that kinda morning. To be honest I woke feeling out of sorts and frankly a bit cranky. Everyday things have been weighing heavily on my mind. You know the bills, relationships, children, cleaning, annual checkups..that kinda thing. Keeping me far from present!

I felt unfocused and totally distracted.  Basically down and in need of inspiration and support. So I did my morning rounds about the Internet..and a funny thing happened. I wandered about all the creative stuff you all were doing. Looked at art and photography and listened to a bit of new music. Got a couple hugs from folks and ya know I started to feel a little better.

It was about then that my Muse whispered in my ear....  "Sarah...are you listening...where are your pens where is your music? Have you sung something that makes your heart sing this morning? Have you drawn that dragon that is flying about your head yet? That new knitting pattern?"
Uhmmm....not yet... I have been a bit busy with...well....stuff.
"Love....there is nothing better than making your heart sing to get out of your funk. OK....are you we go!!!"

I love my muse! I really do, she knows me so well! So I am gonna let go of all the stuff..and Let Fly with a little bit of the child in myself and see where it leads me today! Wanna fly along? Is your Muse whispering in your ear this morning?? 
Hugs all, Sarah


Jennifer MacNeill said...

My muse is not whispering in my ear this morning. Maybe she hasn't had her coffee yet. :)

Emmy Blue said...

I will gladly fly along!! Fun post! I can't wait to see what my muse has in store for me this morning! Xx

Jen said...

I think I have kicked my muse out of
the house lately since I just cannot find the patience to be present and just...well...Be!

I love your post though as it is a great reminder to just breathe!

sassypackrat said...

Perhaps a sale will help your mood?

Sarah Sullivan said...

:) Squuueeeeelll thank ya hon:)

Cindy said...

Oh hope you have a great day Hon. thats what you need a day with no worries for sure. hugs.

Queenie Believe said...

So glad you are feeling more bright and cheery from where the day started. What a nice muse you have to remind you of the wonderfulnesses of life.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Joanna Jenkins said...

I was hoping my muse would give me a nudge, but I think she went back to bed and hid under the covers-- which is where I'd like to be... But I have high hopes for tomorrow.

Hope you are having a grand day Sarah filled with wonderful surprises and fun.

xo jj

Holly said...

My Muse has gone on strick. She ain't talking. Not at all.