So Joanna..whom I adore..over at the Fifty Factor..is doing this fun little meme! The Summer Seven..a list of fun stuff we actually did this summer..as opposed to those we planned! I did alot of that this summer...not what I planned and a whole lot of things I totally enjoyed but didn't expect! Great idea Joanna!!! So here goes..my Summer Seven!

1.Well..the beginning of May Jim started a new job..out of state..away from us..from me. So basically it was a huge transition for everyone. We miss him and when he is home it is not nearly long enough. Over the summer we seem to have worked out the kinks..things are better. Which I feel blessed about. I also feel blessed that thanks to Jim..we are now ahead of our bills instead of behind them!!! I also managed to walk over 150 miles, cause he has the truck!!

2. Well the weather here was COLD! Cool and rainy and cold and colder!! Until the beginning of August the weather hovered around 65 or so! So we didn't swim in the lake much and my veggies were not really happy with me..but the flowers and herbs..heavenly happy! As for me, the cold weather girl...heaven too!!! I am happy to say that after a couple of very warm weeks..we are back to lovely cool 70 degrees!! Whoot! Fall is a coming!

3. Well..I did it..I went back to school! I am, if you didn't already hear..a Jr. at the University of Idaho! I am a Vandal...whooot!!!!! I am pulling a full load of classes! Which scared the crud out of me..but I have it pegged now and am moving right along! I am thrilled, excited, stoked..well you get the idea!! I am finishing my degree in Child Development and Family Services. This took a huge amount of time to put together..transcripts and appointment etc etc etc...but I did it and I am a bit proud of me!

4. Thanks to Joanna and a wonderful contest she offered..and WHOOOOOOHOO I won! Added to a treat that Fox had won for good grades at school...we had enough movie gift certificate bucks to go to the movies! Fox, Mhanon and I!! With treats and pop and well..it rocked!!
I know that does not seem like such a big deal! But we had not been to a real live movie in over ten years! I'm serious! We just could not afford it! We saw the last Harry Potter movie! It rocked too!! We had such fun! Thank you again Joanna!!

5. Well..we can't forget the new kitten! Who is now a half grown cat and has happily fit right into our home! Even he and Lucy Lu have become buddies and I love that. Sir William has turned into a wonderful addition to out home and I love the little guy! If you missed the post..the kids saved their money and I added some artwork sale to the pot to save for him!

6.. Unlike years past, I planned to hit the farmers market several times..and well..didn't, this year we have! We have been at least 7 or 8 times this summer and I have so loved it. The kids have enjoyed it too! We also managed to hit the fair and enjoy the animals and rides. Despite it being one of the few VERY hot days of the summer..we had a blast.

7. Ok..I did get myself one fun treat this summer. Something I have wanted for a while. A bitsy Ipod Shuffle. Oh I love it...LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE it. I know it is pink..and I am not really a pink girl..but well...it spoke to me! Your gonna laugh..but I even got pretty pink headphones. Seriously the best part of having an ipod of any kind (am guessing here) is playing on iTunes! I can add, subtract, buy, download my own Cd's! OMG I am loving this...so freaking much fun! I have been careful to not buy too many songs..as it is tempting and dangerous at best! But there are a few soundtracks that I have only found there! Like yesterday..I found the main theme for last years season of Dr. Who. I know I am a total geek! But it seriously made me smile. You know silly smile!

Ok all there is my unexpected summer seven! What a great idea Joanna! If you would like to join in..please pop on by Joanna's blog!