Good morning all...I thought I would share my progress on the new piece...
It is too big to scan and the lighting is kinda low..but here it is. The inkwork is neaerly complete..and the paint is about to begin! That of course is the scary part...to add color and hope you get it just right!! Also the fun part..because the piece comes alive. We shall see how it goes!!

I hope your Monday is a good one! Hugs, Sarah
You just liberated me....I thought I was the only one who held back on my line drawings because the notion of the putting the color on them was the scary part....I can so relate to this!!!!!!
you are just so so talented. wow.
It's even more beautiful than the first time you showed it! Amazing!!!
Sarah that is really beautiful. You should be a mural artist. Ron makes really good money doing murals in people's homes.
Sarah, this is beautiful, really beautiful! Big hugs to you lady! ((hugs!!))
Sarah, I know what you mean about now adding color! But I know yours will turn out lovely!
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