Our dear Jamie asked a question I could not resist today..What do you wish for your well-being? K..I was going to skip this one today...I have to head off to the Dr. for normal check up stuff. But at nearly 50 these visits scare me to death...as I have always been really healthy...as I get older and closer to the age my Mother was when she got cancer...I get a little twitchy about it all...ok am scared witless. I can't wait to see what my blood pressure is...ackkkk. Silly...but there is is...So my wish this morning is two fold...I wish first to feel at ease with these visits...that whatever the outcome, I will deal...to be calm and present about these things. I wish to be brave!

I gained a few pounds over this winter and have gone back to something that works well for me...mainly vegetarian diet and walking..lots of walking. Ok I am only getting in a little walking..but it is growing...whoot. A few years back I was hired to teach program at a GS camp in NH... I had an amazing summer. It was fun..they paid me to play...well for me anyway..teaching 200 girls a week art, critical thinking and science...heaven! I also walked about 3 miles every day..and the chef..offered a vegan choice for every meal...I stuck to it...with an egg or piece of chicken daily. I lost 30 pounds...felt better than I ever have...ever. I cut out lots of sugar and caffeine...slept in a tent on the lake..OMG heaven. So this summer I am recreating this in a way here. I am walking as much as I can get the time to..house full of kids daily...and I have changed my diet. I hope that by October..and my 50th birthday I will have dropped some weight and will be feeling more energetic and healthy. So my second wish is to stick to this and feel better!
What do you wish for your well being today?? Namaste, Sarah