Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another one - WOW

Am feeling a bit overwhelmed - but deeply touched that I've been tagged with an award again!! This time from a dear friend Gail @ for a Lemonade Award for "Positive Attitude Blogs". Thank you Gail I adore your work - but feel very blessed to be considered your friend!!! Thank you.
If you're on the list below and wish to pass on the award:

1. Display the logo on your blog.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs that show great attitude.
3. Link your nominees with your post & let them know via comment that they're lemonaded.
4. Link the post to the person who gave you the award!
Here are a few blogs that show such amazing "Positive Attitude" I adore reading them and look forward to getting to know their wonderful owners better! They inspire me!

Gypsy @ - She is the essence of an Old Soul!! Beautiful in spirit and a daily inspiration to me!!

Sherry @ - I adore her and their art!! She is one who has kept me working - even when I didn't feel worthy!! I consider her a friend - and am blessed for it!

Renee @ - What can I say - Renee is an inspiration to me in a hundred ways!! Although I have only recently met her - I feel she has been a friend for a very long time!! I am blessed to know her!!!

Julia @ - I love reading her blog and gazing at her amazing art! She has such grace and it clearly comes through in her art and her words. She inspires me to be a better artist!!

Jane @ - Another I have recently met - but feel a connection with - I love her blog!! It is filled with her beautiful pictures and words!! Her pictures and her spirit inspire me!!

Karmen @ - I am blessed to have this wonderful woman not only as a friend online but here in my town too!! She is the reason I stepped out and started seriously doing my art!! Her friendship means the world to me!! Her spirit never fails to amaze me!!

Mae @ - I love her work and honestly she cracks me up!! It is a gift this girl has- she makes us laugh!!!

Anne (my sister) @ - What can I say - she amazes me! She inspires me to reach higher and work harder! Her grace and love are always present! Well... I love her!

Crystal @ - Another local gal who I am blessed to know!! Her strength,grace and amazing dedication never fail to amaze!!! She is amazingly talented too.

Heather @ - Heather is an amazingly old soul - grace and caring all wrapped up in an amazing artist! She has inspired and encouraged me along my art path - but more than that she has been an amazing friend!


Renee said...

Sarah, thank you for the award.

I believe that many souls are old. I have an old soul an I think we have known each other for a longer time than we know.

Love Renee

Julia Guthrie said...

Sarah, you're so sweet...thank you *big big hugs*!
I shall display it proudly :)

Julia xxx

MoonWillow Art Studio said...

Thanks for the award! I tagged ya back ;)