Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feeling a bit lost......

With all the changes this last few weeks...I am feeling a bit lost..like I am chasing my tail...three steps forward and two steps back kinda thing. Making progress..but reeeeeeeeally slowly. I feel a bit bogged down really. Not sad or blue..just kinda....struggling a bit. I feel like I have been missing in action here online as I have dealt with stuff. I am sorry guys..I will do better to come visit.

I am spending a great deal of my time doing this...walking and walking and walking. With no truck..I am doing from 5 - 7 miles a day. Once I got past the shin splints and really sore feet..it is ok. Actually it is good really. I have lost several inches in key spots (whoot) and I know it is keeping me feeling better emotionally. Not to mention my heart is very happy with me.

But I think what I am really missing..really needing is a bit of self care..cause I neglect that..as always. I need to do a bit more of this really..and breathe.

Cause I am always telling folks to remember to breathe..but guess who needs to be reminded now...yup is me! Despite all the stress..and there has been tons..and the changes..lots of those..and all the walking..about 57 miles so far...I am forgetting to take care of me.
So..please be patient with me all...I will be back on my game soon. I miss chatting and visiting..I will I promise! Hugs to each of you, Sarah


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Take care of yourself ... sounds like you know what to do - it's finding the time as a busy mom to do it!

Cindy said...

Life will get better for you I just know it. The walking will make you feel much better and the sunshine (if you're finally getting some) should lift your spirits. Sometimes I think creativity needs to rest and be refreshed.

Rooting for you
Hugs XX

Haunted Swamp Designs said...

Take time for yourself...That's one thing us women forget to do. We are always doing for others that we forget about us.
I want to get outside and walk too! But every time I even think about it... or have time, it rains!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Do you have a bicycle? Might be easier than all that walking, now that the nice weather is here.

Kat_RN said...

Have you tried combining the walk with a little meditation? Walking is my best time for me. Start by being truly in the moment. Think about where you are walking right now, not about why you are walking or what your destination is. Just enjoy the moment.
Hope it helps, sometimes you have no choice but to be busy.

Refindlings said...

Don't forget to take care of you! I need to do some walking! Oh and it's me Becca xo :)

Unknown said...

take the time to breathe and thank God for all your blessings. you are getting in great shape and feeling better. woohoo for you!! I am jealous. I think you should treat yourself to a really good pair of walking shoes, may help the soreness.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hi Sarah, There's absolutely no need to apologize. Life always comes before blogging and we'll be here when you have some spare time.

High Five on the weight loss and all that walking. You inspire me. I've been slacking on the exercise front and need to start it up again.

Be kind to yourself and relax when you can. I'm cheering you on. xo jj

yoborobo said...

Simple fact of life: there are not enough hours in the day. Something has to give. I think taking care of YOU and walking and thinking and fiddling is a grand idea. We'll all be here. After all, we seem to take turns having to bow out of Blog Land now & then. :)) Have FUN! xox Pam

Zane said...

It's great that walking is helping your physical health.