First off..let me say thank you to all of you who pulled up a chair and joined me last week. Those of you who gave me feedback, encouragement and hugs. HUGE hugs back and...thank you! You have no idea how very much it meant to me, to feel part of the tribe again. Thank you!

Folks have said to me often in the last three years..
"Sarah, you have changed, your not the same ole' Sarah."
This is painfully true and beautifully true. I am not the same ole' me. I have been through hell and come out the other side. I have fought hard and survived. For that win, I paid a price. I am not the same Sarah. I am stronger and more vulnerable, lighter and darker, happier and more deeply sad Sarah. I am an oxymoron of emotions. And..I deeply have missed my wolf.
Now I know what your thinking...Well of course your different..duh?!
But to those closest to survivors it is not so simple. Be gentle with them...they have spent years knowing the old us..the pre-trauma us. The new me is a bit of a shock. Add to that, the dealing with my own internal struggle to right myself, cause seriously, my boat was listing in a huge way. It is hard for them as well. So, as I have battled with my new self, others are battling to make me the old self. Or worse, the you they think you should be now. In my case that is often the joyful, happy all the time, pink wearing, survivor. Be gentle with us. I am not a label...I am me, I have to find my way through this in a way that I need, not someone else's way. I need to find and follow my path. That fact is hard for folks who love you, be patient..cause we love you too. But please keep in mind, we will never be that same person again. But with any luck we will be a stronger, better one.
So, I saw my wolf last week, through the shadows in the woods. She has healed and is seeking my company. So this week, I am on my knees coaxing her out of the shadows and hoping she will return to my side. To be again my strong and steady companion on this path. She is changed too it seems. She has become a more realistic wolf, a less Pollyanna wolf. We have both grown a bit. I am so very happy to have her back. Hope makes any journey softer on the soul.
Thank you for popping by again and pulling up a chair. The fireplace is roaring and there is hot cider to be had! Please feel free to share your thoughts or feelings. As always, Namaste
Thank you for the insight ..........I believe you have changed for the better ..........apprehensive at first would others see you would you see yourself a good light I hope .........I think at stages in or life (whatever they may be to each of us ) we go through a metamorphis of sorts is to the new and improved you , can't wait to see what you are up to next <3
Thank you hon.. let us hope it is something fun..joyful :) It is good to reinvent... just a bit scary! Hugs♡♡
You take all the time you need..the change is hard. My change was hard and I just came to grips last year..and still budding with who this new person is. So no hurry, no take that walk your journey. Your path is your one can walk it but you. I learned that myself after a long grieving period of the person I once was to who I am now. Cacoons do turn into butterflies along the way, and wolves do howl once again on their path to their place. ♡♡♡
You take all the time you need..the change is hard. My change was hard and I just came to grips last year..and still budding with who this new person is. So no hurry, no take that walk your journey. Your path is your one can walk it but you. I learned that myself after a long grieving period of the person I once was to who I am now. Cacoons do turn into butterflies along the way, and wolves do howl once again on their path to their place. ♡♡♡
Change is a good thing... new chapters... new perspectives. Lovely to see you embracing your new wolf hun. Xxxxx
Awwwe hon... sending hugs our way ♡♡
Thank ya hon ♡♡♡
Change is always difficult. Sometimes it just is too hard to deal with and the overwhelming feeling of being lost is bitter and final.
This is true..I am determined. Hugs to you hon ♡♡
I've watched you through all of this ordeal and you've handled it with the grace of a champion!!
Awwwww hon..thank you. Means the world to me you think so ♡♡
I'm so glad you're back to blogging again. I honestly feel for all that you've been through but here you stand, strong and brave. Be gentle with yourself as you find the new you. Love and
Oh oh oh hi hon!!!! Thank you ♡♡♡
nice post!
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