Our Jamie has asked us this morning... "What do you wish for your family?" So very many things. Family is one of those funny words....it can mean lots of things! We have a family here for instance..there is the family of man...our extended family..our immediate family..many of us have family made up of nonfamily..so this was sticky for me..this Wednesday question!
I have said little on my blog about Haiti this week..I have watched with deep sadness and frustration. Pictures of children & parents in distress always clutches my heart. I cannot watch the news without tears.
Jim spent his Guard time away last summer in supply...he was in charge of moving all of the food and supplies for the unit. We watched in frustration the other night ...a huge group of people moving meals (MREs)out of a warehouse to folks in that area. Somehow they only managed to move a fraction out the doors. Jim said on any given day in the unit he and two other men moved 4 times that amount daily for a month!?
What is wrong with this picture..is everyone in charge afraid to step up to the plate!! Doctors searching for saws on the ground to aid in medical treatment...how is this possible in our world? Tour ships still visiting?? Seriously..I understand the money influx is good..but frankly..unless those tourists are getting off their cruise and jumping in to help while there....I just find that mind blowing.
So I guess my wish this morning is for all of those in Haiti..that we find a collective way to look at these folks as part of our family..not people from far away..family. That we allow ourselves to see and feel the pain they are in, that as a family of man we do what we can as a whole and as individuals..even if all we can do is pray for them. For my family of man in Haiti that are suffering so this week..that have been hit with another quake this morning...I wish for them.
Namaste, Sarah
Thanks for saying it out loud Sarah.
As Sarah wishes for our family, so do I also wish for us, with all my heart!
As Sarah wishes for her and her family, so do I also with for them!
May Mama Earth's global citizens recognize each other as sister and brother and reach out, offering their hands!
Blessings and blissings!
As Sarah wishes for Haiti and the world, so I wish for them also.
I had to stop watching the news a long time ago, but now I've had to severely limit even what news I read online or listen to on the radio... it hurts all of us, and when we can only do so very little it hurts even more. Thank you for writing this today.
Cruise ships still visiting?!? Wow, that is just weird and sad. I can't believe that.
Thank you for this reminder of our connectedness and our heart's mission to care for all.
As Sarah wishes for herself (and for us all), so I wish also.
You expressed my very frustrations beautifully!
As Sarah wishes for herself and the world, so I lovingly wish also.
Well said Sarah. AS you wish for yourself and others, so I wish for them too.
As Sarah wishes for herself and everyone, especially those in Haiti, so I wish also.
~couldn't have said it any better or wished for anything greater...such a humble grounding wish you have given and reminded us of...as our days go by, it will all to soon be forgotten for many but the pain they are enduring will long remain...not just a distant memory of what once was...but what is...thank you for your words...as Sarah wishes for ALL so I wish ever so greatly with her for THEM...brightest blessings~
Great post Sarah. I can't believe that tourist are over there, that is totally crazy, insane, selfish......
As my beloved Sarah wishes, so I lovingly and with intention wish for our famiy as well.
I knew you would use your wish wisely today...I just knew it.
Sarah, it is a beautiful wish, it is all so tragic, and causes alot of questions. I am praying for them and praying that we continue to help as much as we can.
Sweet Sarah you have one of the biggest hearts that I have had the good fortune to know.
Oh what you say just struck a nerve, we need to reach out and help our global family too when they need us the most.
As you wish for yourself and extended family I wish for you.
Powerfully put Sara. As Sarah wishes for the Haitians, so I wish for them also!
as sara wishes, so i wish also!
As Sarah wishes for Haiti & the world, so I wish also:)
As Sarah wishes for Haiti and all of us, so I wish as well.
Oh, wow, Sarah ... just, wow.
As Sarah wishes for herself and our global brothers and sisters, especially those in Haiti, so I wish for her (and those global brothers and sisters) also.
Sarah, you've made a wonderful wish for Haiti and the family of man.
As Sarah wishes for all of us, so I wish!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Am loving your blog. So glad I stopped by.
I love your blog Sarah! As you wish today, I wish as well.
As Sarah wishes for others, so I wish also.
You're so right.
Oh Sarah you made me teary eyed when you said just think of the little angel who fixed it.
I was blessed on the day we met.
As Sarah wishes for her family and our human family, so I do also.
You said what I could not find the words for, thank you friend.
As you wish for yourself, Sarah, I so wish for you as well.
Blessings, dear one.
As you wish for yourself, your family, and all of humankind, I so wish as well.
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