It would seem that I have been tagged - lol ...by Jennifer @ http://gypsymare.blogspot.com/. If you have not been to her blog - she is an amazing painter! She does lots of amazing critters & I am a huge fan of her horses!! So... six things about me I have not shared.
1. I spent a summer teaching program at a NH Girlscout camp. My kids came along and we basically played all summer. We had a nice tent on the lake! I had a dream supply room and a huge budget. My children also had free program. Two hundred girls a week - was really wonderful!
2. I married my bodyguard.
3. We lived in a bus and a little trailer one summer. I had the opportunity to run a horse ranch - loved it. I can now cook almost anything on an open flame.
4. I adore a good butt kicking movie. The "Rome" HBO series and Braveheart are among my favorites. I'm guessing that's because I teach preschoolers all day!!
5. I have been accused of being a granola. Every summer my preschoolers and I tie dye everything that does not move. They love it! Me too. Their parents usually bring me several shirt to do for them too. Last year several of the neighborhood teens joined us too!
6. I love to sing. I've been trained - but do it just for myself now.
So I will tag few blogs that I love....
Cindy @ http://halloweenspirit.blogspot.com/
Sherry @ http://byrumart.blogspot.com/
Heather @ http://witchhollowprimitives.blogspot.com/
Josie @ http://skeletoninmycloset-itsdarkinhere.blogspot.com/
Gail @ http://artbygail.blogspot.com/
Brenda @ http://rustycreekprimitives.blogspot.com/