Good morning all!! Welcome to spring..is it spring where you are? This morning we have a delightful mix of snow and rain..basically sleet..kinda. Which really is ok with me..cause I have a lot of inside stuff to do..so let it sleet! We have bits of color popping here, a few crocus..so beautiful. My rhubarb is unfurling in the front yard too!
My little cottage is a bit chilly here still..so we will meet inside, next to the fire place..where it is cozy! I have set out some delicious treats today and my local barrista has popped by to make you whatever your heart desires! Lets see, we have muffins today..delicious, hot, right out of the oven kind. Blueberry, banana, lemon and almond poppy seed, vanilla, chocolate, peach and mixed berry! I adore a good muffin. I have also set out some delicious Greek yogurt..oh my have you tried this yet? HEAVEN!! Granola of course and fresh fruit..mixed berries..cause they are delicious! So grab a plate and pull up a chair and lets get started! So glad you have joined me today!

Many of you know I am a cold weather gal..I adore the cool Fall and Winter and even Spring I enjoy. I am not so fond of summer. I tend to have massive garden guilt at this point in the year. Despite my joy at seeing things bloom everywhere..and I loooove my perennials..there is this huge weight that demands attention...weeds..and pruning..etc. Ackkkkk! Now I know this a pure joy to some..they cannot wait to head out and play in the garden. Ya know..I wanna feel that way..cause I really do enjoy it. But when I have spent the whole week chasing kiddos and creating every other spare moment..taking those last bits of time and weeding..just kinda puts me off. Sigh.
So I was thinking..what would happen if I just didn't..weed that is..or whatever it is that might have you stuck and not looking forward to whatever it is you don't look forward to? Why do we do this? Make ourselves crazy about stuff every year..to the point that we dread the season? Am I keeping up with the neighbors..who are all retired and have the time to putter and create amazing gardens? Is it that we are homeowners and that means...expectations that we will continue to improve the property..despite lack of funds? Hmmmm...or is is old tapes? My father had an amazing garden every year..both flowers and veggies!? What is it that drives me here to compete? Is it part of the whole idea I have in my head about what this sweet little cottage should look like when folks walk by?? Hmmmmmm...in my head it looks like this...ok am chocking back a giggle here.

My point here is this..often we drive ourselves and make ourselves miserable without even giving it thought. I have said several times in the last month that I was not ready for Spring and the garden guilt that will come with it. BUT..clearly I was not listening to myself. Cause a smart woman would have stopped and said..wait a minute..what is really bothering you? If garden guilt is bothering me..why do I keep planning what to do with the space in the yard that is not completed..not planted..etc?? Clearly I enjoy the process..so what about it makes me nuts? Really when it came down to it all it is
time! A lack there of really. I only have so much time to go around and when summer hits..it is used up by the kiddos that fill my house everyday!! We play and do messy art and tie dye. I also micromanage young personalities all summer. Then in July I get started with the Fall and holiday artwork. Seriously there is little energy left to mess with the garden when I am done. When I look at it this way ...it is becomes clear that my expectations of my spring and summer time and the reality of what is available is a bit doodely wonkers.
So this week on Spring break..I will be seriously rethinking my spring and summer plans and time management. Looking for places that my expectations overwhelm the time available. Regrouping my expectations and maybe creating a more peaceful, less guilt filled summer! Cause really..don't we all want a little bit of carefree in the sunny season? My flowerbed maybe a bit more freeform..more little weeds with flowers..like chickweek..but I will be a more relaxed me by the end I think!

So how about you? Do you over book the summer..or maybe another season? Do you need to do some honest regrouping so the season will flow with a bit more balance? I would love it if you could share with us what your experience is!! Thank you for joining me today!!
OK..I would like a lemon poppy seed muffin with a tall, skinny, decaf. raspberry, lots of foam please!! What can I get you this morning?
Have a wonderful week all!!
Hugs and Namaste, Sarah