Our dear
Jamie has asked us this morning..."What do you wish for your space?" Funny my DH and I were just talking about this last night. One of those wonderful things that I put out there in to the universe with full intention..came to me in April..we bought our cottage. We have rented this sweet space for three years and for the last year thought it was lost..but the owners surprised us and now it is ours!!
I have been waiting to do the many things I wanted to with this space inside and out. So this is a simple one...I wish to make it mine. Until now it has not been mine to do with as I wanted..as this sweet cottage was asking for. I want to paint murals of sunflowers in my kitchen and fairies and glow in the dark heavens in my daughter's room. Fox would like a few bugs..no surprise here! The bathroom is screaming for some pop...have not decided what to do in there..maybe framed art..hmmmm.
Outside..yup there too! I purchased about $50.00 worth of perennials and an aspen tree. I was given several buckets of rare iris last spring...I planted them in hopes that I would not have to dig them up again...they are blooming and happy. So..this summer I will be planting not only my perennials, bushes and trees, trimming up the front garden, I will be planting as many perennial herbs as I can get my hands on!!
So I wish to make this sweet cottage a warm and happy place that we will enjoy living in both outside and in..that is my wish today! What do you wish for your space?
Namaste, Sarah
Whoot an award!!

Sweet Debra of
She Who Seeks has honored me with a Mind Blowing award...actually it was her words that touched me so..Wow! I totally understand why she got this award...not only do I adore her and her blog..but she never fails to make me think or giggle and snort ... she is an amazing friend..I can always count on her to be there for me!!
So I get to choose five blogs that blow my mind...geesh just five...hmmmm....
For a blogger that never fails to make me blow coffee our my nose she is soooo funny and frankly just a sweetheart..
Claire of Clairedalalune. What a joy this on is!!!
For one of the most uplifting spirits on the blogs....
Tabitha of I Choose Bliss.. This velvet voiced, southern gem just glows with bliss.
To one of the dearest, strongest and most supportive women I know here..
Cinner of Things about who what when where and why.... Her indomitable spirit never fails to amaze and inspire me!!
To an amazing wordsmith..beautifully crafted..unusually elegant writer and just a sweetheart...
Faerwillow of Serendipity.
To my very favorite foodie...
Suzie of Suzie the Foodie..makes my mouth water daily and she is a real sweetheart too!
So there are five...I followed the rules..but seriously I could just go on and on and on...so many mind blowing folks here!! Sigh...
Thank you Debra...I am honored!!
Hugs and love, Sarah