A few weeks back I participated in a little doll pin swap. I had been wanting to try felting..and gave it a rip..it was fun and well..I was hooked. So....last week I bought some felting needles and hit the library for books..and YouTube...and this is what I made. Did you know you can learn to do almost anything on YouTube???!! A Unicorn..cause I love them..and it seemed the easiest thing to do. Cause I do so many horses and know the muscles and joints and all. Anyway..here she is..what do ya think? She is about 6"s high from horn tip to toe and about 4"s long from nose to tail.
I made her a little collar...cause she deserved something pretty..and a decoration for her tail also!

Here is her other side. Now I still am learning..and need to work on some technique..but this was sooooo fun..have to try again! What do you think I should do next?

I also made a couple new little dolls...acorn dolly..I like this one :)

So ya can't teach preschoolers without a whole bunch of this...patience. But this week I am trying to apply it elsewhere. Jim had an interview last week..we think it went well. We are waiting...to hear if he might have gotten the job. I am wickedly proud of him..finished his degree and now this!! WHOOT! We are being patient bears..we really are...is hard but are waiting.

Ok..giggle had to add this cause it made me laugh so hard!
Most of you know what this would mean for Jim and the family..so say a bitsy prayer would you..for him..for me..for us? Thanks all!

"Mamas..is you gonna post my pictures today? See I is being patience too!"
Yes..sweet Lucy Lu...yours are coming tomorrow hon!!
Happy Monday all!! Hugs, Sarah....and Lucy Lu...