Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party...

Welcome my friends to my Halloween treat...Fanciful Twist Halloween Party fun!

I have lit my bright lantern to lead you along....

We've a blue moon tonight to help light our way...

Perhaps we will come upon a sweet stunning ghost...

or a crow flying by...

We may come upon a wild looking kit...

Or a enchanting vampire..

Or shape shifting wolf...

A few perfect Fall pumpkins..

or delightful black cats..

A bit of yarrow for protection...

Some Fun Witchy art...

and last but not least..a treasure for the taking. On the post just below you will find my warm giveaway..please add your name to my pointy hat! And that my that!!

Thank you for joining my Halloween walk..I hope you enjoyed it..and that my that!!

Happy Halloween all! To visit more wonderful parties...!!just click here!!


Scrap Vamp said...

What a fun little journey! I enjoyed your photos so much! Especially that black cat! Thanks so much for inviting me to your Halloween party and I hope you'll visit me, too!


julietk said...

I have been so tied up with other stuff that this year I am not participating by posting but I will be visiting some of you guys who have found time to post and participate properly :-)
I enjoyed your journey of possibilities :-) the colourful yarn looks enticing :-) I will have to take a peek at the previous post. Bye for now Julietk

Romy of Pixie Paper Arts said...

Awesome photos! Thanks for the halloween party!
Come and hang up with me for some tricks and treat!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

What a fun party! Thanks for inviting us all. I loved the photos so much! :)

I would be most delighted if you came to visit my enchanted Halloween Faerie Tale & giveaway:

Enjoy the parties!

Jen said...

Boo!! :)Enchanting as always, Sarah Dear!!!

Hope you fly on by my Party Post :)

Victoria said...

Yay..lovely...what a gorgeous post! Full of beautiful inspiring photos!
Have a sparkling day!

Jorgelina said...

What a fun party!
Great post!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos! I love the pics of the animals.
Please, stop my Halloween party if you haven't been yet:

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Great party post!!! Love the preety Scarf you had for your giveaway!!!!


Lauren said...

What I fun party, I love the photos! :) ~Lauren

Coach Z said...

Great fun was that! Please come and visit me at

Sara said...

Love your post to pieces Sarah. Hope you're having a great party day and Happy Halloween. xx

WrightStuff said...

Ooh Sarah what a walk on the wild side - love those bewitching eyes.

I must share with you that the trinket treasures came my way this week (after a slight diversion by way of British customs!). As soon as I saw your little cat ATC I knew that would be my treasure to keep - I'm thrilled to own something you created!

Do pop by my place for a spooky story... though I advise caution when reading after dark!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Delightful as always, Sarah!

Unknown said...

I loved your Halloween Walk, thank you for having me!!

Your newest follower here from Vanessa's Halloween Party!~Lisa
Happy Halloween

Sylvia said...

Loved all those witchy looking eyes...just beautiful...Happy Halloween,

Designs by Blanche said...

I had a wonderful time visiting with you at your Party. I especially loved the cats!


Danni said...

What a delightful visit I've had. Your photos are fabulous and I greatly enjoyed all the creatures I met while I was here.

Perhaps when you've recovered from your revelry, you'd like to stop by and visit with me?

Wendy said...

Oh I loved the kits and wolf especially. Every proper witch needs to have one or two in their arsenal. I had a most enchanting time, thank you!

Róisín said...

Gosh, you've some stunning photos here! I loved this post :) Great work. Happy Halloween!
Roisin x

Nanc Twop said...

I think your 'eyes' are lovely... all of them! ;-)

Sylvia Smiser said...

Hi Sarah!
What gorgeous photos and art! I greatly enjoyed the journey you have taken us on. Please stop by my Halloween party to enter my giveaway.
Halloween hugs,

umbrellalady said...

Your Hallowe'en party is wonderful and your photos are so creative and inspiring!!

Susan said...

Magical post! thank you :)


come visit:

Wendelou72 said...

I love your photos. Thank you for having me over. I enjoyed my stay.

Please visit my party at:


Cindy said...

This was a wonderful walk, the photos are all amazing. I have a whole week to catch up on now that I am back home. will be a much better student this coming week. lol. hugs. said...

AWESOME photos! I LOOOOVe all of the eyes! Mysterious Deliciousness!

Thank you for sharing the magic!

♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

Unknown said...

You have an awesome blog. I love the black kitty. And I had a great time. Hope you can come over for a visit too.
Janets Creative Pillows

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh I would have loved to host a Halloween blog party myself! Yours was absolutely stunning, I loved every image, so happy to stop by and say trick or treat!

Shell said...

Your Halloween party is a visual delight!

JoAnne said...

I'm fashionably late, but happy I finally arrived. Awesome post! What great photos!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I love this post Sarah! So much fun!

Boom said...

Quite the lovely artist you are. I sprinkled some of my most emphatic fairy dust over your house for simply the best of everything. Thanks for having me. Boomfairy rocks!

Kelly Jeanette Swift said...

What great photos! Love them and the creatures I met along the way in your party.

Annabelle said...

Oh do you think you could part with your hypnotizing sweet green eyed feline? Gorgeous photograph...very photogenic!

Happy Halloween !

Grab your broom and fly on over to



for your chance to win three of my original art prints…only comment required. Draw will take place on October 23rd /2010

•*´¨*.•*´¨*~^..^~*Annabelle.•*´¨*.•* *

LYNDY WARD said...

Came by early yesterday & I think your party link wasn't ready yet, glad I came back...

Love your blog, PICs & party.
Please fly by for my giveaways too...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

what a wonderful party!
I love your creations!

Hope you'll come visit mine and my post(s) for all of October!

Natalie said...

I really enjoyed your post, you have some great pictures on there. The pictures of the human eyes are just stunning though!

This has been my first ever blog party but I've been having such a good time so far :)

Elizabeth said...

And a Happy Halloween to you too! A great party isn't it?I just love traveling around making new friends don't you. It looks like you have a wonderful time creating your works of art. Much appreciated!

When you have the opportunity please come over for a visit!

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Congrats to the lucky winner! Great party post Sarah! Your imagery was spooktacular! Happy Halloween! :)

Romeo said...

So happy that you were able to post a Halloween party as we certainly would have missed out on some fun, had you not posted!

Beautiful photos!!!!

Wishing for you a Happy Halloween!


Romeo and "her"