Tuesday, April 29, 2014
A Thank You Giveaway.....
I am so deeply touched and thankful for all of you who donated to help me get through this rough time. Thank you was just not enough..so I wanted to offer a little original. This sweet little ocean piece is approx. 8" x 3", created in pen and ink and colored pencil. It will come to one lucky winner with a certificate of authenticity. So between now and May 5th at 4pm Pacific time..first chance please leave me a comment here..and for a second chance share it on your blog or FB :) Make sure you let me know you have shared this so I can add it to your chances.
A couple folks have asked about the second raffle I mentioned...I will be doing another in a couple weeks. I am thankfully back to work two days a week and that is about all I can handle for a little bit. So I will be offering up two of my favorite originals for those who missed the last one or would like a chance to win the next ones:) For those who entered the first one but did not win will be added into the second raffle automatically for a chance to win:) Cause well...you guys are amazing and thank you is just not enough..huge hugs and love all. xoxo
Monday, April 21, 2014
We have Raffle Winners!!
Our winners are.......................... Grant Anderson and Laura Imhoff for my two pieces and Martha Murphy for Tammy's amazing offering! How can I tell you how much this meant to me..thank you is not enough. Huge hugs and love to each and every one of you xooxoxoxox
Thursday, April 10, 2014
I need a little help.....and a raffle...

The added two weeks of heavy duty chemo has thrown off my
schedule all the way around. But hardest hit was my financial plan. It put off
going back to work part time for several weeks and thus the first paycheck
nearly a month. So my sister and I were throwing around ideas about this..I
know lots of folks put donation buttons on their blogs when they get into
difficult spots like this. I guess I just wanted to offer something back. So
this is what we decided. I am going to do a couple of raffles. I have several
of my original art pieces... ones that I have especially liked over the
years. I would like to offer them up as thank you. Larger ones not the little baseball card
size ones. Full pieces of work. Although I might add an extra ACEOl treat at the end.
So here is the deal…for every $5.00 you donate to help me
keep my apartment, car and phone running and food on the table for my kids..I
will add your name to the pot for the piece being offered. Share it on your
Facebook page and I will add your name again. The raffle will run ten days and
at the end my sister Barb will draw a number out of her hat and I will send the
piece of artwork off to a lucky winner..international includedJ
So here is the first raffle of the springy piece above..starting right now..and ending April 20th at 4pm Pacific time..
1. for each $5.00 you donate your name will be added in the hat..if you share on your facebook page I will add it another time (please let me know if your link does not show up on my FB page..add a note here:)
2. International is fine and I will cover shipping costs:)
3. The donate button is on the right hand side of my blog at the top.
Although this is hard for me to do..please know that it
means the world to me that you are here and supporting me. If you can and want
to help…that means the world to me too. Hugs all
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Plot Twist...Going Pink...
You know that moment in movies when the doctor calls and
says “Your results are in but you need to come in and talk to me.”? Yeah that
moment…it really is just like in the movies! Everything kinda stops..you choke
on your own heart and then you sob for a bit. As I walked into the doctor’s
office…the receptionist says to me…”Sarah I am so very sorry!”…OMG! Yuppers…just
like the movies! PLOT TWIST…you have breast cancer! There it is…the big C. I
said it…and well I am gonna beat it. Strong words from someone who feels a bit
small and scared at the moment..but I have a wonderful cast of folks to help me
be brave. Jim has been beside me from the beginning of this two months. To be honest, I am not sure if I could have
gotten through this without him. There is no doubt his love has
gotten me through this and continues to do so. He is my rock. Kate has stepped
in to make sure I am covered at work and covered with hugs. My sisters were
right there to give strength, love and advice. My daughter Hanna ever confident
and unwavering in her belief I will be fine. Fox and Nonni...there for me on my down chemo days! Thankfully due to new drugs..have been few. Not to mention those who have already stepped
in to send their love, prayers and healing my way. Amazingly blessed..I am.
I have had my Lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed on the..margins and all lymph nodes were blessedly clear! I have been on a whirlwind of doctor's appointments and procedures ever since. I am now partway through my chemo...not fun..but will make sure I am clear of any stray cancer cells. I have posted quick posts of Facebook and many of you may have already been aware of my new battle...but I know many here don't FB..and you are important to me..so I am going to try and be consistently posting here.
So please keep me in your prayers as I go through this battle. Thank you and hugs all!
So please keep me in your prayers as I go through this battle. Thank you and hugs all!
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