I am thrilled for the third year in a row to participate in One World One Heart! The delightful brain child of Lisa @ the Whimsical Bohemian!!. I so love being part of this wonderful world wide giveaway. I have met soooo many wonderful folks here of the last three years...I look forward to meeting so many more this year..and welcoming many of you back to my blog again!
So...here is my treat for this year..to go to one lucky winner. This sweet 18" Gund Bear. I have gotten him all dressed for the winter season..yup all hand knitted by me. He is adorned lovingly with a scarf, paw less gloves and leg warmers. He is going to bring with him this matching coffee cozy for your travel mug (Mug not included). I may even add another sweet hand knitted treat for a second winner if enough folks pop by for a visit!! Good luck all...this sweet bear is eagerly awaiting his new home!!

So here are the rules...all you have to do is add a comment here and let me know you would like to have a chance to win this sweet bear. You must leave an email address if you do not have a blog where I can leave information that you have won. I will leave a message for the winner..you will have 24 hours to respond before I send it off to the second place winner! I will accept entries until 9am on February 17th..after that no more will be accepted!!A winner or two will be announced by 9:30am Feb. 17th!! Good luck all :)
I would like to thank Lisa for all of the wonderful years she has done this wonderful worldwide giveaway!! What a joy..what hard work! This will be her last year hosting it!! I have been honored to participate!! Thank you Lisa!!!
If you would like to visit all of the wonderful folks that are also participating...as many as 1000 or more...please pop by Lisa's blog and follow the list of links! Click HERE~
Hugs and good luck all, Sarah