I have been thinking about this for a few weeks now. As I tried to enjoy the Halloween season I was bowled over by slasher and blood letting movies! I had a very hard time finding sweet ones like Hocus Pocus, Peanuts, Practical Magic! I really have no interest in seeing one more Zombie. Ackkkkk! I started paying attention to the commercials. I have noticed a sweeter lean to the whole thing this year. So what is my wish? That they stay that way.
My oldest child is 29 and my youngest is 6. My wish for her is this. That she be allowed to enjoy the magic of Christmas and Santa and all the delightful fun that goes along with the season..just like her older sisters and brother have. That the advertising world can wake up and
NOT include commercials & programing that discuss stocking stuffers, bad Santas, evil, immoral holiday elves, slasher Santas and so many commercials that make it clear that Santa is non existent! These infuriate me..and break my heart! Our younger kiddos deserve the same sweet magic that we enjoyed.

Do you remember the magic of those weeks and days before Christmas..wishing and wondering and feeling the thrill of all that magic in the air! Would the animals speak on Christmas Eve..are elves watching..would I hear the reindeer's hooves..would he eat my cookies? Oh the joy of it all!
As a teacher for many years and a Mom for more..this is what I think about the magic of Santa. You can agree or not..but here it is. The magic of Santa is not that he is real in the touchable sense..it is that he allows us for a season to be the best that we can be. He allows for one short month the chance for our children to believe in delightful, magical fun. He gives us a reason to treat others with love an grace. To give for the joy of giving and ignore other's circumstances. This magical season offers that lesson to our children also! For us to remember the joy of being young and try to create that for our own children and other children we know. That magic is really possible if we just offer it up. I for one love Santa and all he brings to the season!
So...for all the commercialism and nasty commercials and programing..I am calling for a stop. Bring back just one time of the year that is all about love and giving and the spirit of the season no matter your belief system. That is my Christmas Wish for my children and yours. Maybe with enough of us wishing and acting...we can breathe some true holiday spirit back into this wonderful season.
I for one will be turning off the TV if this season becomes like last year we will rent things to watch. I will be writing the Networks & companies to complain. I am working on keeping the holidays homemade and sweet. Not to say we will not purchase gifts..I might get a revolt if not..but less so than in previous years. I want to take our season back to what I remember as a child..family, love and the magical joy of the season!

Happy Holidays all!
Love, Sarah