
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Last Chance for the Giveaway....

Just a quicky is the last day to add your name to the pot for one of two spots in my E-Course - "Balance for the Creative Soul" This simple straight forward course is designed to help you organize & balance your artistic pursuits with the demands of daily life. We are all trying to balance family & friends, outside work, home & financial, spiritual, time for you and studio time.
This eight week course will help guide you through each of the above aspects of your life one week at a time. We will discover your natural rhythms and learn a system to manage and organize your time more effectively.

To add your name to the here for the information...
Happy Saturday all, Sarah


  1. So glad I made it here!!!
    Please enter me.
    Pattee: )


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!