
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wishcast Wednesday

Our dear leader Jamie has asked us this morning.."What do you wish to invest in?" I had to think on this for a bit and consider whether to take the literal approach or not...So here goes.

It came down to one big health. I have told you all before about the dramatic financial drop I experienced when I divorced 12 years back. I went from upper middle class to below the poverty line. Although I do not regret that for a minute, something that was very hard to loose was medical and dental insurance.

During the last 12 years I had both briefly for about 6 months. In Idaho as an adult, to qualify for Medicaid you have to be earning less than $350 a month..basically homeless. The kids are covered completely though which is huge! Even the couple of local clinics ask for money upfront..most of those years I could not even afford that. Care for your mouth is even more scarce than hens teeth my care has been hit and miss at best.

I will be 50 this Fall & am at present very healthy. I have a 6 & 11 year year olds and want to be healthy and here for them! Not to mention my older three daughters! That fact alone worries me sick! I am in tears just writing this! I am trying very hard to get all of my general health concerns taken care of this year. From a full physical to yearly exams. Without insurance I keep running into roadblocks everywhere. I keep plugging away. If I had some insurance it would be a breeze and I would not worry about the quality of care that I am receiving..which I do.. a lot!! So my big wish is to create enough income this year to take that next step up and get medical,dental,vision and life insurance for myself. It is time and I am wickedly tired of worrying about things and not being able to go and get something checked out if I feel the need to do so. I am wishing big here..I wish for enough income this year to be financially stable and cover insurance for myself so I can stay healthy!

Happy Wednesday all..what do you wish to invest in? Namaste, Sarah


  1. A crying shame that you live in the one of the very few developed countries in the West to not insist their citizens deserve across-the-board, guaranteed health care. As one who benefits from single payer (government) health care I cannot imagine the fear and stress such lack of coverage causes. Hope some of the new bill passed kicks in soon to benefit you.

    Wishing you health and a very long and happy life Sarah.

  2. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  3. Oh boy do I know where you're coming from! Been in the same situation. Was always able to get the kids covered but not me. The worry and stress take such a toll on you! Best of luck getting it all worked out!

  4. May your Wish of Health be fullfilled! I can relate 100%!

  5. I haven't had any insurance most of my life. Haven't had any for the past ten years at least this time. You are right, it usually means people like us do not get regular dental work or preventive health care either. Never mind eyes. I buy the reading glasses I think work at the drug store. No eye doctor for me. If this is what you want in your life, I hope you are in a position to afford the insurance premiums and that the insurance benefits are worth it. Your peace of mind is worth so much.

  6. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also! I pray you'll receive the insurance you need my friend. NO ONE should be without it and it's frustrating that millions are!

  7. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her also.


  8. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Health care is one of the reasons I stay in a less than fulfilling job ... a gentle reminder to recognize this as a gift even though it really should not be this way.

  9. Sarah, while this won't help with your immediate health needs, once you have your 50th Birthday, you will qualify for membership in the AARP (you will probably be getting all sorts of membership notices from them right before your Birthday). Membership is very reasonable. .something like 20 dollars a year, although at times, even that can be a luxury, I know. But as a large group, they have numerous insurance plans, and perhaps you could get some for yourself through them.
    If you have a credit union in your town, see what you have to do to open an account there. Oftentimes, you don't have to have any sort of affiliation, although you might qualify as a teacher, for membership in a teacher's credit union. But credit unions also have insurance plans for their members. (and having an account can be as little as keeping $5.00 in a savings account.)
    The NAIA, Nat'l. Assoc. of Indepedent Artists is apparently too small to qualify for group coverage, but they have a number of references on their page.
    I'm guilty myself of putting my own health needs on the back burner,because all of my time is taken up with everyone else's needs, but I also share the same concerns. Plus, in a practical mode, I need to keep my health taken care of because there isn't anyone else to take care of the rest of them!

    So with a full heart, I dearly Wish For Sarah, what she wishes for herself!

    Huge Hugs & Lots of Love!

  10. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. It sounds like you have some wonderful suggestions from Suzie, and I would certainly check them out. With my own recent health scare I realize that even when we think we are healthy we can be covering up some nasty stuff. Take care of yourself!

  11. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  12. I can totally relate to this ...there was a long period when I was a single mom for years, that I was not insured and my kids were. Fortunately I was young and did not need to go to the doctor very often, but the dental side of things is another story. I have been playing catch up with my teeth ever since.

    Wishing you a year of prosperity Health,and health insurance as soon as possible!

    Warm Smiles and a hug.

  13. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

  14. Here's to a healthy and wealthy Mom...cheers! As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  15. Sweetheart, I am sending gobs of prosperity vibes your way so that you have so much money this isn't even as issue.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!

  16. Ahhh, beautiful Sarah! First - I visited Coeur d Alene last Summer much too briefly. What a beautiful place!

    Secondly, as beautiful Sarah does wish, so I wish for her also....

    My Wednesday Wishcast....

  17. I feel for you Sarah! Without insurance I would be dead now. I would not have been able to have the surgeries, or even have found what was wrong with me. And, not having good health, without insurance I could not afford the treatments and medications that are required for me to exist.

    I wish for you the income to afford good insurance and I totally wish for you good health and long life!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I strongly wish for her also!

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

    I am praying for you! That is such a huge concern for so many. may you receive all that you need and more.

  19. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Thank you so much for your kind words. I will send you a reply very soon.

  20. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also and even more.

  21. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also, with all my heart!
    With Love, Nancy

  22. As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also.


  23. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Such a huge wish my friend and I put all my love and wish support behind it, may it be so.

  24. As Sarah wishes for herself so I wish for her also

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  25. Wishing you good health now and always.
    I am counting my blessings to be living in Canada and having access to the health care system that I do.

  26. This is the year, Sarah. You are taking flight, and I hope you are able to get the insurance you need.

    How great that you have a picture of an apple. I just read an article about apples -- especially apple juice -- being the new brain food. Studies show that daily apples can help prevent or even reverse signs of alzheimers. Good to know.


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