
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our dear leader Jamie has asked us today...What treat do we wish for? Oooo a fun one..I never know with these wishcasts..the serious just jumps up and bites ya sometimes!! I think I will stick with the fun side today.

I would dearly love a shopping spree at Michaels..the craft store. I know that is a big treat.. a couple hundred to blow on craft stuff. But..when I go there it is with purpose..I need brushes or ink or something I can get with my 50% coupon that is cheaper than ordering from Blick. Serious art/business shopping. The kind you keep your receipt for. I want to shop for all of the fun things that fly by my face as I am rushing through to the fine art section..trying to ignore all of the temptations. The beads..oh the beads, and the yarn..oh it calls me, and the scrap booking section..OMG I am not strong enough to resist!! Of course there is the floral that, and you can't forget the craft section for the kids..too much fun..and the wood..oh I love the wallet is screaming at me...
"Run Sarah Ruuuunnnnnnn!!!

So this morning I wish for a leisurely walk and crafty, eye candy shopping spree to Michaels. Oh that was fun!! What do you wish for?? Namaste, Sarah


  1. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

    Oh Michael's dangerous but AWESOME place........

  2. Oh, boy! Let's go together! :D :D :D

    As Sarah wishes, so I lovingly wish for her also.

  3. As Sarah wishes for herself, I joyfully wish for her also. OMG a shopping spree through Michaels...great fun!

  4. Oh so agree! I actually just got a Michaels gift card from my friend for taking their family picture. Now I am just waiting to find some kid free time to go spend it!

  5. As Sarah wishes for herself, I lovingly wish for her also.

    After the New Year my daughter and I wish to go to Michaels as well. :)

  6. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I wish I had a minute (and a few free skymiles) to go with ya! :p) Hope your wish comes true! xoxox B

  7. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Michaels is dangerous, but for me my local yarn store is even more so. I can spend hours in Michaels dreaming about what I would do with all of the different things I find!

  8. oh yeah Sarah, OH yeah! :D

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I also wish for her with all my heart!


  9. That would be a fun place to have money in.


  10. Oh yes please take me with you!!!
    Michaels and/or Hobby Lobby!!!

    I'm going to visualize us actually doing this!!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her and me too. LOL

  11. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


  12. What a delightful treat that would be!!! As you wish for yourself I so lovingly wish for you also!

  13. As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I also wish for her also!
    Is there room in the car for me?
    That would be my idea of a fun treat too!!

  14. As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also!

    It would be wonderful to just have a Michaels here. We have Walmart and you know what they have for crafts.


  15. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...delight, inspiration and play! As Sarah wishes for her self I SO wish for her as well.

    And I wouldn't at all mind tagging along - just 'looking' would fill me with fresh inspiration and joy. There, or JoAnn's or any fabric store, or Hobby Lobby, or...daydreaming now. :)

  16. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
    Is there room in the car? I would love this wish too.

  17. OH! I want that for you, too!!!!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her, also!

    I WANT you to have that WISH!

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

    What a dangerous and deadly store, how much I love it too!

  19. LOL I think we need a bus!!! Whoo hoo..road trip!!

  20. What a fun wish. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  21. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also! Fabulous wish!

  22. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Enjoy your
    Wish to have a Michaels's store here :)

  23. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!!! Sounds like fun, I LOVE Crafty days!

  24. Oh I can so relate to this wish, I get lost in Michaels when I go. lots of bright, shiny objects, feathers, flowers oh my! As Sara wishes for herself so I wish for her also. May you enjoy your arts shopping spree soon.


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