
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seven More..whoo these...

I love doing and make me think a bit. Debra of She who seeks gave me this fun award..thank you hon!!! Love it.

On Facebook this week Shamsi said..."Totally love the feel of Sarah's work... :) the feeling reminds me of a strange cross between Edward Gorey and Mary Engelbreit"
Which made me smile, a really big smile. Ok I did a dance!By the way if you have not visited her site and seen her dance you are missing a real treat! She is amazing!

Wow really?? How fun is that. I was kinda stunned really! It got me thinking about art influences in my own artwork. I have always loved these two.

1. I love Mary Engelbreit..I love her work always have. I saw a picture of her studio once and decided that someday I would have one like that..Her work started me doing colored pencil and her whimsy. To be compared to her in any way..well Wow!

2. I love Edward Gorey! I first saw him on Mystery Theater on BBC, I coveted the PBS mugs with pictures of his delicious work. be compared in any small way to anything he created..wowow! Thank you Shamsi, I'm touched you think so!
3.The BBC I so love the BBC!! Jim and I will watch almost anything on BBC..I do love Jack(John Barrowman) ..I know he's gay..but still....he just has something! I just can't help myself!! The man is just sexy! Is it just me?

4. I have always adored Charles Wysocki. My mother collected his calenders..I have adored primitives ever since!We do his puzzles every holiday season..lay them out all over the dining room table and everyone works it until it's done! Yeah I love puzzles too - big ones!

5. I adore Sci Fi..I know am a geek ..but I love it I really do. Movies or books I love them! I love the futuristic ones..Bladerunner hooked me on those. Time travel even better..add a bit of romance and I'm hooked!!

6. I adore milk it..that lovely carmely tint when you hold it up to the light. I makes the most amazing tea candle holders. Such a delicious color!!

7.Anything about horses..although some of you knew this already..I do adore horses. I rode for years and dearly miss having one to love on everyday. So I draw alot of them and photograph every one I come across. Which I enjoy too!

So there is another seven about me..maybe it explains my style a was enlightening to me..LOL!! I was honored to be compared to such amazing artists..that someday I can be as good!! Have a great Thursday, Sarah


  1. Seven scintillating soundbites! I enjoyed reading them all. I love all those artists too, but I had one of those PBS Gorey mugs!

  2. LOL - Such a pleasure this morning, Sarah. Gave me some sweet, sentimental thoughts - I'd love to let you loose in Mom's milk glass collection. You wouldn't believe how much she has! And I think it must have been Wysocki's art (or a close imitation) that adorned the sides of a gas lantern shaped candle we used to have as a centerpiece at Christmas when I was young. (wish I had that now) But I SOOOOOOOOO do not share your love of sci-fi... BladeRunner sits high on my list of most despised movies EVER! Variety is the spice of life, huh? And watching (listening) to BBC gives me a headache - authentic English accents are not the most musical/lyrical sound to me at all. Congrats on your award, g/f! And always glad you keep letting fly.

  3. I love Sci-Fi for the show Ghost Hunters. I love learning more about you dear friend!!

  4. Give me sci-fi fantasy and I am in heaven. Geeky is good. :)

  5. What fun! I love Mary Engelbreit too! Must admit I have never been that into Sci-fi.

  6. Love more "things" about you. I think, we share all of those things ... but of course!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D

  7. YES! Bladerunner is an awesome movie! Been my fav since it came out....oh wait, I'm dating myself now...

    So, honestly you scrappy thing, just when I think I can't learn more about you, I do. Love that.

    Also, will you kindly tell me how you did the four awards in one pic? I'd love to do that.....may I?

  8. I love your list of 7! Thanks for sharing so much of YOU ;))

  9. LOL! Fabulous :) Yeah, when I was a kid, my sister and I had our very own "Kids Table" complete with chairs. A little fold out affair that my mom kept right outside the kitchen (apart from the big people's table :) The Table and chairs were blue and white with Mary Engelbreit drawings :) And of course we had the M.E. sheets and pillow cases :O But I definitely grew up on Gorey because of Mystery Theater :) matter of fact... it would seem that many of our influences (again) run right in line! HA! Totally does not surprise me... but please please please don't ever again type any references to John Barrowman's preferences... I have such dreams ahhhhhh :) Cheers love - you really are all that and a bag of tater tots.

  10. Sarah!! I love Mary, sci fi, the BBC, and most especially, I love love love Edward Gorey!! I love Charles Wysocki!
    So, okay, I don't know squat about horses or milk glass, but dang, girl, we could hang out! LOL!! Thanks for sharing this! xo Pam

  11. We are huge BBC fans too. I could listen to the Brits talk for days and their humor eclectic! Charles Wysocki was always a favorite of mine when I was much going on in his work. I wanted to live in one of his towns!

  12. Woo-hoo! Your two gorgeous Fall Paintings arrived today!!!! They are so stunning Sarah. I can't thank you enough. I'll think of you every time I look at them.

  13. Great list, and very similar preferences to me! I am an avid sci - fi reader. I love vintage sci-fi, and great big space operas - my favourite form of escapism. And as for Captain Jack, I just go wobbly at the knees when I see him. I don't care which way he swings! Sadly I've seen John Barrowman on several other things and thought he was very camp and unattractive - it's only in Torchwood that he is so devastatingly gorgeous!

  14. Gorey, Captain Jack and Firefly! I love them all. (although Gorey's is a *really* hard style to try and duplicate. I spent hours just doing the wallpaper one the single piece I did!)

  15. Sarah I love these seven and the pictures that go with them.

    I have always loved Mary Englebreight too.

    Love Renee xoxo

  16. Oooh, Sarah, yes, I remember the primitive calenders Mom collected. I loved them, too, and always find myself drawn to them at the start of a new year. You know I love horses, too. But you were always the horsewoman. I got a late start. But still, the earthy smell of hay when they rub their sweet, whiskery muzzles against your hand.Thanks for sharing this list, hon. And I'll have to show you my depression glass collection, sometime from Grammie... Ooooh. :p)
    xoxoxo Happy Halloween! (Guess what? Anne's coming to visit me today! Can't wait to see her!

  17. Oh, yes, I can definitely see those influences in your work, and by melding all of them together, you come up with truly enchanting and captivating scenes. Milkglass! Yay! I started collecting some, but I ran out of shelfspace. :(

    Hey, Sarah. Hope you feel better soon. Get plenty of rest and fluids. And keep looking at those adorable Halloween photos to keep your spirits up.


  18. Congratulations on wonderful receiving a prize!!

    Thank you.


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