
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love this Picture!!

We had a brief, kind of warm day last weekend!! We took full advantage. Of coarse I took out the new camera - am clueless how I got this shot. I do love how it turned out. Do ya like her huge gloves? LOl - she couldn't find hers so she wore mine!! I think we are both ready for swing weather!! Ommmmmmmmmmm


  1. This little one seems to really enjoy the swing and being touched by the rays of the sun!

  2. WOW! She has such a serene look to her. She is so beautiful. Good shot.
    Yes, my headache has eased somewhat, but still lingering. One more round of pain killers should do it!
    Thank you my dear friend,

  3. Sarah, what a beautiful little girl. I use to put socks on my kids hands. xoxoxo

  4. I had to laugh about the new camera and being clueless! I have just started a photography class and it is amazing how much I don't know. I just keep turning knobs and pushing buttons until something somewhat realistic turns up. Thank goodness, I am not paying for film anymore.

    It is a wonderful photo. Love her sheer delight.

  5. this is what i call a 'rapture moment' - i have posted one on my blog today too.smooch xx

  6. She so beautiful and your new camera loves her! You really captured this sweet moment! Love it when that happens!

  7. Just want to send some love your way dear friend. Please, for me, at least once today, remember how highly you are thought of.



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