
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hmmmmm lots of things......

I have a Lemonade award to pass on from Snap @ She also gave one to my sister - how fun is that!!Snap is a joyful, amazing woman - I adore reading her blog... always enlightening and lifts my spirits. You should go pet her llama. Thank you hon!!!! Here are the rules for the award:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3.Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.Nominate your favorites and link to your post....
I would like to give this award to....

Sherry @ - Sherry of my favorite people - she always has such an amazing attitude, she is warm and welcoming. She has encouraged me to keep working at my art!! Which has been a huge blessing to me....Thank you Sherry!!!!

Karmen @ - I have the delight and honor of knowing Karmen in person. She is not only amazing, but sweet and giving to boot! She struggles with Fibro - but you would never know it - her spirit and attitude are a blessing to everyone who knows her!!

Marie @ tagged me - I do love these!! Thank you Marie. Here are the rules of being tagged:

-Link to the person who tagged you
-Post these Rules in your Blog
-Write 5 Random things about yourself
-Tag random people at the end of your post and link to them
-Let each Person know they've been tagged

Here are a few unusual things about me....
1. I love the smell of Carnations, lavender & grapefruit.
2. I adore Fall & Halloween.
3. Creepy crawly things do not bother me much - I kind like them.
4. I love candles. MMMMmmmmm
5. I love amber, turquoise & jade

I will tag......
Tammy @ Light and Shadows Studios
Suzanne @ Periwinkle Studio
Heather @ Ramblings of the Shy and Insecure

I won an amazing pair of earrings from Micki @
So beautiful I loooooove them!!!! She also sent along a cute magnet and a lollie - which my daughter ran off with - lol. I really love her blog - she is a total crack up!! Thank you Micki!


  1. Creepy crawly things...eeeww!! Must go along with Halloween! Candles...soo romantic!

  2. I adore creepy crawly things. They are terribly misunderstood in my humble opinion!

  3. How great is getting mail. Love the earrings and Micki is divine.



Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!